In response to your question Brooklyn:
Yes, becoming a werewolf changed me in a thousand different ways. Mainly though is my...well i guess you could call it my look on life. Before i changed i didn't have many ideas of the future, i was obssessed with guys, I didn't respect my parents the way i should've, i didn't realize how good i had it until it all could've vanished. When i was changed into a werewolf it turned my life around for the better and the worse. the worse because my entire life is a lie. There is no truth as to what i say to my parents or friends or anyone. Did people notice the change? Yes. They noticed how different i was acting, instead of kind of mocking the kids who didn't have many friends because there wasn't anyone like them...I hurt for them. Because whether other people knew how different i was or not, i knew, i knew that no matter what brand of clothes i wore or shoes i bought i would never be the same as anyone else. People also noticed how different I looked, and how i used to become overly defensive when we talked about what i do when i'm not at school.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
``werewolf moon``
Cool. Have the elders you have talked about from gathering at the full moon taught you plenty, as well as the young of your kind?