Hey guys! Tomorrow's the FULL MOON!!!! AHOOOO!!!!! Yes...i'm so excited. The full moon is the best (Next to all the All Hallows Eve, moon) It's great. Ugh i'm so excited. Anywho. Danny's doing great! Still a little...reluctant to the whole Werewolf Thing as he calls it. But time will help. If you have questions go ahead and ask. If you ask them too late tomorrow i won't reply till sunday, sorry, but no way will i miss the Full Moon Ritual.
``werewolf moon``
Love all the colors, and your writing. Sorry, I'm new to this blog... but what makes All Hallows Eve and Full Moon so much better? Sorry for my stupidity.
Haha, thanks. I actually haven't explained the all hallow's eve moon, yet. So i'll post about it, soon. The full moon is the best time for us, actually, we pretty much have to "change" on the full moon. But we would anyway, the full moon is the time when the barrier between life and the after world is thinnest. That means the werewolves of past come back to the living world and for one night we talk and share stories. It's amazing. Then at the stroke of midnight we all howl together under the moon, it's an unearthly howl. It's pretty cool.