Thursday, July 16, 2009

Magical Clothing!

Thanks Lily! We got another question!!!

QUESTION: What happens to your clothing when you transform?
ANSWER: **Grins manically** well...after ALOT of practice, we can get our clothes to actually pop in and out of transforming with us. But that takes a long time. So when you're new or in a hurry, well, let's just say we've lost alot of clothes.
Just to clear it up when we change from human to wolf (new wolves or impatient ones) our clothes get ripped to shreds. Therefore when we change from wolf to human...well...I guess we're kinda used to it now. (But thenagain you get guys like Alex around a bunch of werewolf girls who were in a hurry and well....)



1 comment:

  1. LOL Great answer!!! Bad alex!! :D JK! haha Thats cool how you can make your clothes pop on and stuff. Zombies don't really have magical powers..... :P
    Do wolves in their human form act different? Then pre-werewolf lifetimes?
