Sunday, January 24, 2010

So much time so many posts

Hello everyone, It's Z. Again. My apologies for not being faster on posting, but reason is because things are getting crazy...again. Tony opened her eyes for the first time the middle of this week, then the next day and the next day for longer periods. She smiled today, and it was amazing to see her smile. She was awake for a whole hour. So she's coming out of it, she's rising up. Since Tony's doing better Danny still...isn't. He's the same as he was, constantly with her, getting zero sleep, irritable, crazy temper. **sigh**

Artemis, the elders...OH, you mean those Tony talked of in posts that seem ancient. The elders are the oldest and wisest of the werewolf nation. Among them are some of the most powerful ones that have the site to Torr. The group itself is old order, they enjoy keeping things the way they've been since forever ago. And they do a pretty good job at it.

The you mean the council of elders? Run by Lucian? Well...they are like...parlaiment or congress. They make rules and laws, they keep things peaceful between races. They have a big job. And it the many centuries we've been alive they've been the ones to keep things orderly. If you've read the Twilight series they are much like the Volturi. But not as brutal. Lucian I guess would be Aro...he might dislike me for saying so though.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Simply Lost

Artemis I'm glad you are beginning to understand the world of Torr. I read your post, we all did actually, and we just wanted to tell you that no matter what your cousin said Paul (paul, right?) is your father. A father is not judged by whom you were...ermm...created, it's by the man that raised you and loved you and took care of you. Your father made you who you are today, never misconceive that.

Tony is doing no better, but also no worse which is deffinately a positive I suppose.

As for Torr: He does everything for the wolves, he chooses the ones that become werewolves and chooses how. Some werewolves...well...they see him, he comes to them in there most troubled times, when he is needed most, and he helps them. He gives them advice. But if a lycan has this power, they aren't supposed to tell ANYONE about it, unless it is a dire situation. We all believe that Tony has the Sight, but we can't be sure, and you never ask if one has this power because it is rude and the sight is a connection to our god.

As for other gods, different packs worship in different ways. Torr is the major one, of course, but there are others. Some packs worship the gods of rome or greece while others worship the same God as humans. It all depends on where your beliefs lay.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No sleep in days

It's been days since Danny has slept, he refuses to leave her side. She started moving saturday early morning, she groans and tosses her head around occasionally. Last night though, she screamed, this awful ear peircing terrified scream that we are sure Torr started howling in the sky. Her heart beat is a little stronger, not much. We've no idea what else to do.

Artemis, I'll post a bit about Torr every now and then. To start with he's been a god as long as anyone can remember, most pictures depict him as an all black wolf with a white crescent moon on his chest and black raven like wings. The story is told that he was alpha of a pack in europe and the people in the town knew what he and his pack were. People began getting killed, mauled by some animal and the town immediately blamed Torr and his pack. So the town came to attack he and his pack, Torr made a deal with the leader of the town, that if they only killed him he would go peacefully and the killings would stop. The town leader agreed, Torr was sacrificed on the night of the full moon. It is said that with his last words he looked up at the full moon, tilted his head back and said "May the moon drown me in it's depths so the pain will make me remember the mistakes I have made. With faith in my pack and sorrow in my heart I shall never regret what I do, for if my pack lives, I shall live. I give myself to thee, moon, for I die for you." And as his soul left the earth and they killed him with a sword made of pure silver, he was granted to the moon as a god. The killings stopped and the town and pack lived in peace.

Any specific questions about Torr?
Any questions about Tony?
Any advice for Danny?
Let us know.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Artemis your questions are understandable and not annoying in the least. In fact they've given us a little bit of time to reflect on who we really are rather than on the fact that our Alphess is basically in a coma.

Healers are all sorts of different races, there's a witch who's been really helpful, an elf that's making all sorts of medicine for Tony, and a fairy who seems to be everywhere at once. Healers usually have a greater understanding of medicines and herbs, naturally, god given. Not everyone can be healers, but the great healers are hard to find.

Alphas become Alpha because of multiple reasons: Leadership, how can you lead if you're a follower? You can't. Compassion, towards all creatures. Trust, in your pack. Size has nothing to do with it, Tony became Alphess and she certainly wasn't the biggest, but she's everything wanted in an Alpha.

Sadly the knife thing won't work, her blood was already all over the knife and it drowned out the scent of anything else. She was in the woods when it happened, walking to her parents house.

Nothing has changed, we grow more and more anxious every day. I've never seen someone so heartbroken as Danny.

Do you have any questions about Torr that we could answer?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Update Update Update

This is getting out of control, nothing has happened, no change or anything. We've been trying to track those who hurt Tony but we've yet to find them. But we will, it is our mission to find them.

Artemis we read your comments and are astounded that your old pack was nothing like ours. In our pack...there is nothing we wouldn't do for eachother, especially for Tony. It's driving us insane that we don't know what to do to help her. But there are plenty more packs we can turn to, many are good friends of ours but we won't put them in danger. There's healers from all over the country trying to help Tony in someway, but there's been no change.

Anyone have any questions?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keep Up Posting - update from Z.

...Nothing has changed. Nothing at all. There is nothing for us to do, we are lost. Utterly and completely lost. Our entire world is at a stand still. Since this is such a crucial time for waiting and hoping I figured I'd just keep you updated. ARTEMIS, checked out your comment and blog. First off, No. We know who ever hurt her was the same people that had been sending us those notes. And we THINK Tony's sister's boyfriend has something to do with it. And WHY would they do that? Simple enough. Because humans like the ones that attacked her believe that Humans are the most superior creatures. Since we are not human. We are a threat. Since we are more powerful than they. They believe that their god would never put something so threatning on earth. Nor something that could take the humans out. Get my meaning? It's so ridiculous.

I apologize if I sound a little bitter, my alphess is only in a coma, half dead, attacked by psycho sadistic humans. I shouldn't be bitter, should I? (Yes that was sarcasm.)

Oh and one of us will explain in another post more about torr. You asked.


Monday, January 4, 2010


They attacked her! They attacked her, my girl, that freaking sick group attacked Tony! I think I might hurl I'm so angry. It was late last night, Tony got a call from her parents and she was walking to see them, they attacked her. She's out...not even responding to anything. she's hardley breathing and her pulse is barely audible.

I'm shaking so bad. I can't even sit still for long. I am so angry so disgusted-

Sorry everyone. I took over the computer, this is Z. Danny's having problems controlling himself right now, which is completely understandable. We're all sick. We are on the verge of tears, our powerful alphess now lay in the hands of Torr. It's horrible. You should see her, we found her...oh god it was terrible. She was stabbed over and over with a blade made purely of silver, we found the blade still in her chest. We didn't think silver hurt werewolves but now we're thinking if it touches an open wound it begins poisoning from the inside out. She's covered in bruises and scratches. It's disgusting. Lucian Axel is here, as is Apollo. And they called in the best healers that could be found. We are all trying our hardest.

We figured we'd tell you about this, so if you're a lycan, please be careful. I'm almost crying now, which is hard for me to admit, so I should be going. Danny is so angry and frustrated. Today he smashed a window in his room, and whenever he sits by her he cries. He's trying not to think that she may not make it. But we all know it's a possibility. And Benny, he's trying to be strong for the pack but the tears are in his eyes. We all have the same thing on our minds. But we're all fighting for her.

Send your thoughts to Danny. Any advice to help him through this would be great. Send your prayers to Tony. She needs as much hope as she can get right now.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

So not the Holiday Spirit.

Hey everyone. Tis' the season for cheer and happiness right?! Well aparently not for psycho killer freaks who have a fetish for writing letters to a pack of wolves! Our latest letter from...well we still don't know who

Hello Demons. Our new years resolution, we have but one, is to terminate that disgusting thing you all call a pack. Your precious Alphess is first. Happy holidays. For these will be your last. See you soon, monsters.

How cheery is that?! I'm so sick of these people
