Saturday, March 21, 2009

Feelings, emotions, being a teen sucks.

If being a teen weren't hard enough. Try being a teenaged werewolf. It's hard for me to get attached to anyone as a friend, the friends i do have i've had for years. But i know none of them would speak to me if they knew i was a werewolf. But what about guys? I can't have a boyfriend because they expect too much out of us girls, there's no way i could ever go on an actual date, if he got me too angry...i could phase and kill him. AGH. I could do that to anyone, i'm kind of like the hulk, your heart rate rises with your temper and anxiety and ***RRRRIIIIPPPP*** ***BAAMMM***your body tears itself apart as your second form explodes from inside you. Creepy right? So if you know me...never anger me. And if you don''ll never want to.

``werewolf moon``

1 comment:

  1. Ah, a problem that has plauged werewolves for centuries.

    You should read Blood and Chocolate, its a book about a werewolf girl who falls for a human and deals with the problems you speak of here.
