Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Okay so it's spring break right? La dee freaking dah! Woop dee doo, blah. Well just before school let out, i was hanging around talking with my friends. We are like the ONLY punk people in our grade, everyone knows that. Well we here some little pink flip flop wearing, leader of the skank brigade say "I bet they don't go to church" WTF?! A.) No b**** i don't go to church you wanna make something of it? b.)WTF does being punk have to do with church? What are we sinners cause we wear black and listen to screamo? Does god hate us because we are different. So all that stuff about god loving all his children is bull crap? So what are they saying god is predjudice? I'm sorry but i don't think your priest or pastor or preacher or whoever would appreciate you saying that. But then i think about, I am a sinner, i AM a demon in the eyes of god, why? Because i'm a freaking werewolf for god's sake (no pun intended)! I'm sorry but it's kind of hard to call myself a god fearing, church going girl when I am a child of the moon, not a child of the bright sunshine or a child of god. But i am a child of the moon, the dark, the opposite of god's faith.

**so maybe the pink flip wearing leader of the skank brigade was more correct than she expected to be. No matter though, she makes me mad i rip out her pretty little throat.**

``Werewolf MOON``

1 comment:

  1. While not wanting to argue with you about your belief I'd like to point out something:

    There is an old text that I stumbled across (I'm an anthropologist) and it was a testomy of a accused werewolf on trial. Being proud of what he was this man stood tall and told his story, and the story of his kind. He stated that werewolves were "gods hounds" Werewolves were put here to protect and guard Gods flock (humans). This makes sense when you consider a vampire is suppose to be burned by a cross or holy water but none of the older myths about werewolves state anything like that.

    Just something to think of.
