Monday, June 1, 2009

Hate Mail in Numbers

I think "Someone Watching" gave my email adress to everyone in their freaky cult. Here's another one i got, same basic sense, a little more physco.

Disgusting Creature of Hell - Why? Why do you taint the minds of the young and vulnerable with your predjudice ways. Making normal righteous humans out to be evil people. YOU, you immoral, unnatural animals that don't even have the right to be called animals, are the reason people kill themselves. You are the reason that the world is in shambles. I have no sympathy for you vile creatures that stalk the earth and kill our people. No sympathy for your "cause" to get your disgusting breed safe and known. You will never be accepted in society's eyes, or in god's eyes. YOU are hell spawned.
-A Normal Human

Predjudice? ME? US? WHAT???!!!!


  1. Okay, seriously, Someone needs to give me thier email adress. I wonder what they'd think of me.. . . .Ha!!!! And it's Kimi by the way. And if one of you self rightous people are on. . . . Guess what? I'm a demon!
    I'm always rooting for you Tony,

  2. *shakes head*
    tainting the minds of the young and vulnerable? That's insulting to most of society. What, are we all just too dumb to know if something's a threat?
    And, oh the horror, I don't think werewolves are evil. So obviously, I must be evil....? What? I thought you guys were brainwashing us, but now we're just evil?
    Well, like I've said before, I'm on your guys' side! It's the COOL side, haha :D

  3. *Rolling my eyes* Really? Werewolves aren't vile creatures!!!! That must have been interesting to get though. Werewolves are freakin cool!!!!!! (Does that sound weird if I add the fact that I'm a vampire?) But I love werewolves!!!!!! (Not including jacob black and Sam Uley) And you are natural. Well in your own way. You were born with werewolfness in you so you shouldn't be told that. :( Humans are just mortal,creatures that hate others like werewolves, vampires, and zombies cause they are different and the human race knows they could easily take over the world. But we don't cause we want peace. That really gets on my nerves!!!!

  4. Kimi - haha thanks. Much appreciated.

    Paris - oh yeah, you didn't know? We so brainwash you guys into liking us...yep. Cuz we so have that power.


  5. Madison - I wasn't born into wolfness, i was made into a wolf. But if you believe in fate then i guess it works the same way.


  6. Hey, I'm serious, if they send you another email give me thier email adress. Yuuka is now lecturing me about how thier being imature and me emailing them back would just make me sink down to thier level. And all that stuff. That doesnt mean I dont want to do it!

    We're both all for you,
    Yuuka and Kimi

  7. Yuuka Is Correct.
    But when we break down these a-holes, you'll be the first we call.

  8. yes coz you have SSOOO brainwashed me into likeing you! of course! omg who are these creepy psychos! seriously they have issues

