Friday, June 5, 2009

The Question and Answer

Hey everyone. I was asked a very interesting question the other day. A very vauge but extremely good question. WHY?! Why are most humans typically afraid of Change and Difference? The answer? Here's what i think. Most humans are content to keep their lives in a ridiculously boring and repeptitive routine. No changes because with change comes risk and with risk comes danger and the unknown. WE, the "differently Biotic" (werewolves, zombies, vampires, etc) are that change. WE are that risk, that danger, that unknown. Have you ever heard the saying History Shall Repeat Itself? Well, history repeats itself everyday for humans. Get up, take shower, eat, go to work, come home, eat dinner, sleep, and try to imagine that everything is as it seems. In my opinion there are three classes the humans can fall into A.) The oblivious, those who go by the book and believe that everything that is out there is what there is. That every person that looks human IS human. Or they try to ignore the fact that teenagers are coming back. They believe those to be demons thanks to Reverend Mathers. B.) The Believers. These are people who believe there is something greater but don't want to break the code of what IS and what ISN'T. C.) The Knowers. These are all of YOU out there who believe in us, who think it's amazing that something other than the everyday exist. Something MORE.

I know it sounds like i'm generalizing humans, and in a way, I am. Because being that humans follow that dull routine of the everyday, that humans never break rank, never change the mold, is why humans are so easy to generalize. You might hate me for doing it. You may say i'm being arrogant. But if you really think about it, you'll realize I'm Right.'s your choice to choose class. Take the Rank. Or break it.

``Werewolf moon``


  1. I deffianitly agree with you. People need to wake up and see that they can't play the world like a little game. They can't just walk away from the things that are out there.

  2. Hey, it's Sam, Yuuka and Kimi's friend. I totally agree. I mean there are people who iether are completley oblivious or choose not to belive in the Unknown.

    But, you know, I was never really one to go with the flow. ^.^

    All for you,

  3. You're completely right. These people just need to wake up from their 'perfect' little world and see reality. What's happening right now is something that we all need to deal with. I mean, I don't blame people if they're scared of you guys at first (I was a little at first too) it's just when they out right refuse to try and accept you guys. That right there pisses me off.

  4. i agree, people are so shallow minded about things like this. seriously.
