Okay. I decided to take a step back from the blah blah of the everyday and focus on something a little bit more...deep. As you can see from the title "When the Going get's tough." it's going to be about a harder part of life.
When humans have an issue or problem they generally find someone to talk to about it. To sit down and pour out their feelings, and have the other person give advice.
What if suddenly there was no one? No one to talk to? Or give advice? Or hold you while you cry? What IF no one could share your pain or help you through it. I'll tell you from personal experience that it sucks. Werewolves and Vampires the secret races, experience that just about everyday.
I remember when I first changed and went back home, my parent's were so mad because I'd been gone for a whole day. They yelled and screamed and when they asked for an explanation, i couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell them how terrified I was, I couldn't tell them how much pain i'd been in, how much it scared me, or how I wanted to die. They couldn't know that. So i took blow after blow, of their yelling and dealt with it.
One of my good friends, Eric, is a vampire. He told me that when he was bitten and made the change into a vamp, he had to leave his wife and children. Did he want to? No. Did he have to? Yes. He loved his wife and kids more than anything in the world and when his wife demanded to know why he was leaving he couldn't tell her it was because he'd changed into a vampire and that after he learned to control his blood lust he'd come back. If he did that she'd leave him and hate him. For her safety and sanity he left, telling her he didn't love her. It's been a hundred years since then, he saw his daughter Lena once riding in a car, she'd grown older and he hadn't.
The children of the dark (vampires, lycans, zombies) lose everything when they defy the laws of science. Homes, friends, family, everything. Don't take for granted all that you have. Because one day you'll be wondering where it went.
``Werewolf Moon``
True dat.
I feel that way sometimes... it's just, I feel like no one gets it. I tell them my troubles and they nod and say 'You'll get over it eventually.' But they don't understand how I'm feeling, so their words don't mean anything. I tend to keep my emotions bottled up inside, and I know that's not a good thing to do, but it's the only thing that I know.
I agree with Paris, when I tell most people my truobles they just say "You'll get over it". And they really dont understand how I feel. i do the samething that Paris does, my emotions stay bottled up inside of me, because that is what I learned to do. I learned to rely on myself, and only myself. that is why i have a serious disgard to what people think of me.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I understand that lots of people don't understand. But you could probably find a person you weriously trust to tell about your problems. For me it was the first werewolf i met (benny) and we talked and I spilled my entire issue out to him. Maybe you can find someone like that.
``werewolf moon``
I know and I have people like that, just sitting by me and waiting. But the thing is, that I don't have enough guts to go to them about somethings. I guess it sounds kind of strange but I have had so many people who I thought I could trust leave me. And now I have walls, and walls of defence put up, keeping people from getting too close. And I'm usually the one that does the listening.
ReplyDeleteYour friend,