Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas from the pack

This is a couple days late but we all wanted to say Merry Christmas to all you bloggerites out there. It's really great that you guys all follow this blog and it's incredibly awesome that you guys accept us as who we are.

Many people would be shocked to hear that werewolves or vampires or zombies celebrate christmas. I dion't know about vampires or zombies but most werewolves do celebrate it. Whether it's because that's what we did when we were human is probably a big part of it. But really, we are celebrating birth and life, no we don't believe in the same god or jesus as humans but when you are a werewolf celebrating birth and life is a big deal because we are honored to still be alive even if we aren't human.

That's the best way to put it I guess.
How was everyone's christmas?


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gone Are The Safe Days

Many of you will remember the letters Danny and I got, emails too. From an anti-werewolf group/person. We kinda assumed that my sister's bf was the one behind it, we are still not sure. But the thing is we recieved ANOTHER letter:

We see you growing, you disgusting demonic creatures, the cult of demons grows. As you grow, we grow. For every ONE of you there are THREE of us. The day is coming. You will die. Say goodbye to your immortal life, Alphess, you will be the last and forced to watch the slow and painful death of each of your demons.

Yes. That's exactly what the damn note said. Now we are unsafe everywhere we go. We are almost positive it is the BF. I'm making sure no one is EVER alone, EVER. This is getting bad. In days of past we were safe, no one questioned us or anything. But more and more people begin to believe in us and not for the same reasons you do. They want to kill us, for prize or because they think it'll make the world holy again. These guys are like the Nazi's. We are thinking about calling the BF, Adolf.

Our pack is considering moving to a different place. Though we love were we live it's getting less safe for us and for our families and friends that live here. As Alphess I will do whatever it takes to keep my pack safe. Any ideas of where we could move to, let me know.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey there everyone. I wanted to take a moment out to post about thanksgiving. I hope yours is merry and filled with friends and family. Today is not about eating tons of food (though that's a perk) it's about remembering what you are thankful for. As alphess of a pack I am thankful for many things. It seems strange but we say grace before eating on Thanksgiving. We went all out this year too, it was wonderful. Here was a our grace: Dear Lord, we are thankful for the food before us, thankful for the health we have, thank you for helping our pack to grow and prosper, thank you for our land, thank you for our friends and family who are so close to our hearts. Thank you, mostly, for this family here, the ones who love us most. Our pack. Amen." And it's all true. You never know how important something is until you lose it.
Happy Thanksgiving.
<3 Tony and the Pack.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Danny's Surprise!

Hey there everyone. It's been a while since I've seems I start a lot of my posts off that way. Anywho. A couple weeks ago Z started dropping hints that Danny had a huge surprise for me. Well, we went out to dinner at Olive Garden and near the end of the meal...he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. YES YOU READ RIGHT! Danny effin proposed! He told me that he knew we couldn't get married right away, and that it was more substansial than a promise ring. We are engaged to be married...sometime. I cried. Yes, I cried. In the middle of the resturante and was barely able to say yes. The entire resturant did that AWWWW thing that you see in movies...yeah it happened. He told me later, that he had gotten my FATHER'S BLESSING! My human father! Gave my 17 year old WEREWOLF BOYFRIEND his dang blessing to MARRY his 16 year old daughter. AH I'm so excited. I didn't even see it coming. Neither did Lily!

LOVE YOU LILY! Where the hell are you, chica?

<3 Tony!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Reading

Hey everyone, I just finished reading this REALLY amazing book. I suggest you read them all. They are The House Of Night novels, Marked, Chosen, Betrayed, Untamed, Hunted, and I just finished TEMPTED. They are about vampyres in the human world, actually known and all that good stuff. I'm not going to give away anything. But if you love vampyres or romances or teen books read these because I LOVED them. PC and Kristen Cast are the most remarkable writers I've had the joy of reading. And in the book TEMPTED it talked about the power of truth and souls and love.

When you are connected to someone you know it. You'd give your life for them, or you'd die WITH them. I would do this for my pack. Any one of them, all of them, without hesiation. Though my sister has done me wrong I'd give my life for her. Any day. My parents as well. It's a sould wrenching finality when you finally realize who you are in the world. My pack is my heart. Without them...i'd die.

If you've read the House of Night books and were bawling your eyes out in Tempted, don't feel alone cause I was too. BUT the next installment of the Series BURNED will be coming out in May. But sadly...I don't think Zoey will be "back" I was looking at different sites and it says it's in multiple characters POVs including Zoey's. So maybe she's in the Otherworld, still.

Any books that made you feel like you WERE the main character? Any you'd recommend to me?!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lily's BACK!

HEEYYYY everyone. Many of you are familiar with Lily's blog ( ANNNDDD you've probably noticed she's been MIA for...well...a SUPPPPPERRRR long time, right?! Well I (finally) got an email back from her (which I'd origianlly sent a long time ago) and it said she'd just been forgetting! So don't worry she's fine! And hopefully she'll be posting soon!

BTW: Sorry I haven't been on much either. With the start of school things get so hectic. And most of the blogs I follow and the bloggers that follow me are undoubtably teenagers, therefore are also super busy and you just lose track and forget to get on or whatever. But there's gotta be a free moment SOMEWHERE. try to get on and give us a heads up that you're still here and doing good!


Friday, October 30, 2009

This Is Halloween

As hard as it is for some people to believe, werewolves actually do LOVE halloween, it's one of the ONLY holidays that isn't all about religion. It's about the mystery and magic of the classic All Hallow's Eve monsters! WEREWOLVES, VAMPIRES, AND ZOMBIES OH MY. Witches are popular, quite, actually. Warlocks too. At school today my human friend dressed up like the green teletubbie. Jeeze those things are freaking creepy.

I've noticed that on halloween it's all about dressing up like something that's super slutty and that bothers the crap outta me. Go stand of the corner if you wanna dress up like a freaking skank. Halloween's about having fun and I don't mean in the BED.

Anywho...plans for halloween anyone?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hey, I realized I hadn't posted in a while. Things have been...weird, lately. The main thing...I had dinner with my parents...well Benny, Danny, and I had dinner with my parents. It was going really well. My rents asked about the pack...and about Danny and I. Then my sister and her BF showed up, I swear it's like he knows when we're at my parent's house! We were eating and there was this obnoxious pounding on the door. And he comes in holding none other than a silver plated crucifix! He started shouting at us, lines from the BIBLE! It was hilarious but scary at the same time. Some of the names he used:
EVIL APOCOLYPTICAL DEVILS ALLIES (yeah I was like ? too) and the list goes on. I hate this guy and wanna bite his face off. Worst thing is my sister doesn't do ANYTHING, she just stands there and watches. But things got really bad when he started calling me names: Satan's skank, evil satan f**ker from hell (?), and when he called me a whore, Danny jumped out of his chair, grabbed jerk face by his collar and threw him up against the door, pretty much ready to rip his face off. I said bye to my parents, and Benny got Danny. But Danny grabbed the silver crucifix and used his angry lycan power and squeezed it so hard it folded in on itself. Danny flicked him off as we left.

So as you can imagine it's been a very strange couple of weeks.
How's life in the other worlds?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Is Seeing Truly Believing?

Hey there. Well I was on a forum again tonight and while talking to this guy he told me he didn't believe in werewolves, but didn't necessarily not believe in them. He said seeing is believing and he'd yet to see one. So what I ask: Is seeing REALLY believing?! I would say no. If someone saw me they'd probably spaz and call a priest or something.

But people see Zombies, they see that they are still their children and they still call them spawn of satan.

So what is your opinion? Is seeing really believing?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Curious Case of the Hidden Mask

Hey everyone. I thought I'd post now since tonight is the O'Glorious full moon. The first - might I add - of the fall!!!! It's going to be wonderful, the last full moon was all cloudy and though it was lovely it was one of those cliche full moons. So I was on this one forum, I do like forums especially for books, and I was PMing this one girl, she was very kind and asking me intersting questions about my race. She told me that my vocabulary was rather extensive and I sound like I'm in college. I've noticed I do this when i talk to people I'm not very familiar with, it's a sort of shielf for me I guess. I told her that I live with a 500 year old wolf, and his vocabulary must've rubbed off on me or something.

So the reason I went into this story, and no it wasn't just to talk (or type, rather) it was to make a jump into the meaning of this post and it's to talk about...Masks. Everyone wears a mask,whether we know it or not, it's interesting to think about it. You might not notice it, but you act differently at school than you do at home, or around friends. It's all about masking part of yourself to please those around you. I do, you do it, we all do it.

But those of the unknown world (vamps, werewolves, zombies, etc) do it more. (lily this is for you) Zombies do it in attempt to please narrow minded asshole teachers or community members. Trying to show them that zombies (differently biotic) are as normal as any living human. I say that's not true. DB's, Zombies, Living impaired (WHATEVER!!!) are unique and amazing and should be damn proud of that. All the hidden races should be! We're beautiful, unique, and special. We've bent the laws of science, we are the greatest minority, yet we hide ourselves in fear of what stupid narrow minded humans will think.

I know this was a rather long message, but it needed to get out AND it'd been a while since I've posted.

Let's hear your thoughts and such. Any questions, ask!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chris's Poem

Check out the other blog for it's long over due post.
It's a poem by Chris I hope you all read and understand it.

BTW::::These ideas and stories and posts belong to my pack and I. If anyone tries to recreate them or continues to attempt to recreate them (no names given) it's really gonna piss us off.

So quit you freaking JERK, find someone else to steal from. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. We're not freaking joking.

I don't really give a damn who you are, you need to come up with your own ideas cause you copying our lives is really annoying. We're getting extremely impatient when we see the our same ideas on your site.

-A very annoyed Tony

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hey Everyone. Today, is the first day of fall (or so the people say) I realize it's been a while since I've posted on anything interesting. But today is for the girls because I'm gonna talk about.......


Yes, homecoming season has arrived. And I am damn excited, I just got my dress today, I LOVE it. It's purple (yes i said purple). I'm going with Danny (duh) and the rest of the pack (besides a few) are going as well. I'm VERY VERY VERY excited. I LOVE homecoming, it's so much fun.

But what's funny is, guys have it SO easy. They can wear their clothes from the year before but us girls cannot be caught twice in the same dress. It sucks. Danny said that the guys pay for everything so that evens it up. And I suppose it does. Cause the werewolf boys do have to get new suits because they grow so fast since last year. And it's possible their suits have gotten torn to shreds within the last year.

What are you wearing to homecoming? Are you going to homecoming? WHO are you going with?


Thursday, September 17, 2009

More on Mr. Maxx

Hey everyone! This is Danny, I realized that Tony didn't exactly continue on about how Mr. Maxx is what he is. He's what is called a hybrid, a mixture of more than two types of something. He's human, werewolf, vampire AND, he has a little bit of forest elf on his mother's momther's side, he's part demon, and he's part fairy.

Now you're all probably like HOW THE FRICK DOES THAT HAPPEN?!

I'll explain. His grandmother on his mother's side was a forest elf and his grandfather on his mother's side was werewolf, his grandmother on his fathers side was a fairy. His father was changed into a vampire when he was 23, and his mother was already part werewolf and elf. AND the demon was blessed/cursed upon Mr. Maxx when he was a teenager, he was kind of like working for the demon version of the mafia. Then after four years they released him but they let him keep his demon "essence"

I know that's alot to take in, and it's sure as heck confusing. If you have questions let us know!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept. 11

Hello, today is Sept. 11, the pack and I write this together so we can give a little bit of the information of what we remember from that terrible day, eight years ago.

I was in second grade, i think, and I remember the teachers leaving then coming back crying. I didn't understand till i got home and my parents told me. Last year, with school, we went to DC and we visited the flight 93 memorial in Shanksville PA. It's very plain, but there's so many things on that chainlink wall, fire fighters helmets, leather jackets, rosaries, coins, flowers, flags, signs, it's a moving place and much like arlington cemetary it's silent. The only sign of the travesty was a slight divet in the feild. (Tony)

I wasn't sure what was happening at first, I was in New York at the time, actually. Not too far from the towers, I was there because I was an alpha there for a few years. I remember someone yelling "They're heading for the towers!" My pack and I all ran to the top of our building where we could see the upper half of the towers. I remeber the sound of breaking, shattering, glass and the exploading plane. Then the second one hit. Then people started crying saying it had hit the pentagon and was heading for the white house. It was a day I'll never forget. (Benny)

Lots and lots of crying. (mikey)

Everyone's story is much the same, the pain of that day will forever live in out hearts.

-The Pack

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Story Comes Out

Hello people on the internet. So we paid a little visit to Mr. Maxx, who if you remember is physco. We had theories of him being a werewolf hunter and truth betold...He isn't. His real name is Thomas Alexander Maxxian. He's actually a great friend to Lucian Axel, he's a "hybrid" he's werewolf, human, vampire, and a few other things, all mixed into one. He's been looking for a pack in a small town to maybe fall in with.

So it was nothing truly exciting, wish is kinda depressing after all of this.

School is going well for the pack. Danny, Alex, Chris and Kevin are trying out for basket ball this fall. Z and I are in a drama class. Everyone is involoved with something I just can't remember anything.

How's everyone's school year going?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chupacabra found In Texas

Okaayyy, so maybe you've heard about this and maybe you haven't. The mysterious Chupacabra was found dead in texas. Chupacabra is a "legend" that roams the woods and sucks the blood of goats like a vampire. It's a hairless leathery dog with a long snout, long legs, and long fangs. Chupacabra is spanish for goat-sucker. If you wanna see the vid, go to youtube type in Chupacabra found, and you'll get a bunch of hits.

Lots of people don't believe in the Chupecabra, it's a myth to them. I believe in just about everything (except like santa claus) and I bet that this Chupacabra is real. Though Chupey has existed for many MANY years, no one has gotten evidence like this, the actual body of the Chupey. The man who found him is a taxidermy student and found him late last year, in his barn. In Blanco Texas.

No Chupey was not/is not a werewolf. Everyone thinks he's a "genetically mutated coyote" but nothing about that hairless dog looked coyote or wolf to me.

We're still not sure what he is, if he's a werewolf hunter, that sucks bad. But we're not sure. But he knows what we are. So we're a little visit to him (abduct him basically) and ask him what the frick is up.

Wish us luck.

OH! And look over under the "about me" section, and you'll see a picture of a white wolf, right?! Well KEVIN drew that of me. He drew it, isn't it amazing! No one (besides chris) knew he could draw and then he gave that to me and it's BEAUTIFUL. I took a picture of it so I could show all of you!


Monday, August 31, 2009

Mr. Maxx and the great secret

Hey everyone, it's been about a week since I last posted, sorry. I've been so busy trying to figure out what Mr. Maxx is, it's KILLING ME! UGH. Okay, so I did some innocent question asking that was something like:
Me: "Mr. Maxx, I think werewolves are really cool, but I'd like to know more about them." Mr. Maxx gives me creepy I know you're lying look.
Him: "It seems as though, Valin, that you and the rest of your friends know a quite deal more about werewolves then you let the rest of the students to believe." Yes, my real name is Valin, not Tony. But his words were creepy, he actually grabbed my hand and turned it up so the inside of my wrist faced the ceiling, revealing my tattoo.
HIM: "Interesting you'd choose this as your tatoo, the moons, a powerful aid to werewolves. And why would your entire group get them, you aren't a, I'd say you were more of a...pack." Okay, completely freaked out by now! I yank my hand from him and let my wolf eyes come out and of course my fangs for emphasis.
Me: "You will stay the hell away from me and my friends. I don't know you and I sure as hell don't trust you. And if you ever touch me again you're are gonna regret the day you started harassing me." It came out as a snarl, I was pleased when he actually looked scared. And I left his room, I still go to his room everyday for class, he watches me and Danny like a hawk but atleast he stopped harrassing me.

If you have any more ideas on what he is or what I should do let us know!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mythology and Us

So today, we were sitting with Danny in English, I take an upper English cause I'm a smart cookie, and our first topic was Mythology. Here's a little convo between Danny and the Teacher it was really funny:
Teacher: "Can anyone give me their favorite mythical creature?" Danny raises his hand with a grin at me
Danny: "Werewolves for sure."
Teacher: "really? Why?"
Danny: "cause who wouldn't want to morph into a wolf whenver they wanted?! That'd be amazing."
Teacher: "But werewolves have to wait for the full moon, don't they?"
Danny: "No way, Mr. Maxx, those are old school werewolves. Modern ones can morph whenver they want."
Teacher: "What do these werewolves act like?"
Danny: "they're pretty much human, travel in packs mostly, most of the time the female leaders are really good looking."
Teacher: "Are they scared of silver?"
Danny: "Nope."
Teacher: "Good, Danny, I'm impressed. Dan has just described the modern werewolf. If you've ever seen just about ANY werewolf movie you'll realize that that is the fakest thing you could possibly imagine. Werewolves are the epitomy of half human creatures. They aren't bound by a single thing, which is why they have made our first place creature list, they will be our main focus for the next five weeks."

Danny thought that his convo with Mr. Maxx was cool and it really was. But what danny has failed to see is that this teacher knows ALOT about modern day werewolves. He's new to our school this year. I have a few ideas but I have to watch him and wait.

What are your ideas?


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The First Day

Hey guys! This is Danny, posting about the first day at school. It was pretty great, actually. Tony is in my lunch, choir, Spanish, and business class. We were able to convince the board to give us all the same lunch so it's. Me, Chris, Kevin, Carter, Jon, Rae, Kira, Z, Alex, Tara, Ali, James, Tia, Mikey, Erin, and of course my Tony. We occupie TWO tables. It's funny. We had a marvelous first day,

how about all of yours? If you haven't had your first day let us know if you're totally stoked or if your bummed.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Day Of Freedom

Hey everyone. Today is our last day of freedom, we start school tomorrow. It's gonna be crazy since this is Danny's, Carter's, and Chris and Kevin's first time at school with all the pack there. Danny and Carter are both Juniors Chris and Kevin are seniors and I'm a sophmore! WOOHOO.

I know it's early, but I had to work this morning, didn't think I'd have to but I do. Have fun. Enjoy life.

We'll post later.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

We're Touched

You guys are awesome. We're so touched you all commented so quickly. It makes us realize what's important in...

Oh wait, that was our speech for if we won Ms. America. Dammit... let's try again.

WOOHOO!!! You all rock! Thank you, New-

Dammit, Chris! That's the one for when we become rock stars.

Do we even have one for people commenting on the werewolf blog?
We should, it's gotta be one of our life long dreams...
Ah here it is:

Gracias mis amigos-
KEVIN, jesus, that's the one for when we become soap opera stars.

Okay, well we'll have to get back to you with our speech. But you guys are all really cool for commenting so quickly.

BROOKLYN - Heck yeah, our little sister Haley had a purple stuffed one!
ARTEMIS - Yeah, we love Tony. She's great and like our little sister. We say little but she could totally kick our butts, she's alphess.
YUUKA - Our parents had issues. You should realize they didn't even give us the same last name. It was tragic :P
LILY - I bet you guys were the group of zombies we saw this one time at the mall. Do you go to the mall? Charelston right?

Chris Fufu Cuddleypants
Kevin Tintin Fluffykins

Chris and Kevin Take Control!!!

Yo yo yo! This is Chris and Kevin, in the HOUSE. HAHA. Tony gave us control of her computer for a bit so here we are. We decided to do a little posting of our own. We'll start with us!

We're 18 year old twins from Hilton Head, South Carolina. We were bitten in the winter last year. We don't know WHY we were bitten. We were camping (yes in the winter. We lost a bet)and a pack of wolves attacked us, well werewolves actually. And VOILA! Us. Amazing eh?

Our parents and younger sister and brother are still in hilton head, they know what/where we are and they dont' hate us! Um...

We like music! And stories! and GHOST HUNTERS! Great show. And...that Monster Quest show. There was a werewolf on there once...that was stupid yet oddly hilarious. They made us look like freaking sasquatch!

COOKIES: My (Chris) favorite cookie is...chocolate chip, and Kevin's is...Peanut butter.

Now here are the answers to some easy questions:
Flying Monkies.
and a snuffleufagus.

We said answers, not questions AND answers.
BUT if you have questions just let us know.

Hasta Luego!

Christopher Fufu Cuddleypants
Kevin TinTin Fluffykins

Oh yeah. So our real names...or ARE they...hmmmm... >:+D (evil looking bunny thing)

Monday, August 17, 2009


Okay, we wanted to let you know that we're doing something so completely insane that just might make people think that we're a gang. We're all getting tatoos on the inside of our left wrist. It's gonna be a Full Moon with two crescent moons on either side with their horns facing away. This symbol represents the changing of the great moon that we all love and follow with it's mighty god Torr. So yeah all of the pack is getting this awesome tatoo.

LILY BENAN: HAHAH you posted that email of us?! That's so freaking hilarious. I didn't realize how funny it was until I re-read it. Ah Alex, he's an odd one.

WELCOME new Zombie chick!!!!

Lily, I'm telling you we should seriously do some research to see if werewolf teens come back from the dead too...

AND HAHA> You're the best person ever! I <3 YOU, hahahahah.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Comment Screw Up

If you see that your comment has not been posted PLEASE re-enter them. I'm a blonde I accidently hit the REJECT button...woops. PLEASE re enter them, I'd love to see what you guys wrote.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey everyone, Tony and Danny here. We decided to do a little...elabortating on the powers of werewolves. The major thing is...who knows? Every werewolf is different, each generation has a different set of "rules", we're like snow flakes.

Now, school starts soon for everyone right? If you're starting a new school, highschool, or you're scared as hell, here is a piece of advice from the king and queen of misfits. Be yourself. Yep that's it. Not. Okay, don't be afraid to talk, find people that are like you, chat up random kids, BE HAPPY. No one is gonna wanna talk to a shy quiet kid. Nope. Be enthusiastic and proud of who you are. ATTENTION MYTHICALS: This does NOT mean shout what you truly are into the heavens. This would be VERY bad. :)

It's crazy, when you think about. Humans walk amongst us and are oblivious to the fact that we exist. They talk with us, laugh, and smile just as if we were like them. But if they knew what we are they'd shun us, hate us, be terrified of us and hand us over to Satan. If you've seen the latest TrueBlood episode, like i have, there are two humans (one of them is the brother to the main character, the other is a woman married to a very religious man) well even though the woman is married she is in love with Jason, (the brother) but when she finds out that he is Jason STACKHOUSE, brother to Sookie Stackhouse who is dating Bill Compton (vampire) she immediately hates him and shoots him...with a paint ball gun. Yep. A paint ball gun. She thought it was an actual gun, which is why stupid blonde human religious women should not weild fire arms. HAHA.

ATTENTION WHOEVER READS THIS: Humans may get offended but if you've been reading what i write you'll realize that I don't care.

Humans are narrowminded. They're like horses that wear blinders, they only see what they are trained and taught to see. They color inside the lines and they're happy to live in they're little box. Okay so MOST humans are like this. Not ALL i guess but MOST. And when something happens that throws their stupid mundane routine off, they snap. It's insane. Humans do everything in repetetive routine. Same thing, same people, same places. If one little thing is out of place they expload, they get tense and crazy.

Your opinions are always welcome.
Danny & Tony

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our New Members!

I told you earlier this week that we were expecting some new members for our pack. Which brings us to 18. They arrived late last night, and they fit it in wonderfully with us.

They are identical twin brothers from Hilton Head Island in South Carolina.

Chris and Kevin

They're the sweetest guys, they love to laugh, they're light hearted and LOVE what they are. They lived with their parents but moved here because they heard of us, we're actually kinda popular now because we are young in human years, teenagers just like them.

Ever seen Harry Potter? Remember the Weesley older boys, the twins? Well Chris and Kevin are just like that, except they aren't warlocks, they're werewolves.

Tony & Danny

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Your Story Artemis

Artemis, I read your story. Quite the life, I might add. Your old pack seems much like the council of werewolves. Do you know about them? It depends on where you're from, i suppose. The council of werewolves is lead by regional alpha, Lucian Axel, he's a nice guy. They watch over all the other packs and make sure nothing is out of order. Yet there are elders on the council, that believe there "should only be those born as wolves!" Which is stupid, because if there were only those born as wolves, we'd be no where. I would suggest finding another pack to fall in with, there aren't many wolves who is so greatly blessed by Torr. Your old pack probably didn't tell you about him either, Torr is our great wolf god who chooses his children by hand. He chooses those who get bitten or are born as a werewolf. You are special, you were born with the spirit of the wild wolf in you. Most packs would kill to have you with them.

You are a young wolf so you've probably yet to discover any powers you may have. But I'm sure as you age you'll find that your powers are great. Do not allow that rejection of your old pack or your narrow minded father blind you. You were chosen by Torr just as we all were. You are more werewolf than your father or anyone in that pack because you are the wolf at heart.

It is nice that Bella took you in, but you need to be around other wolves. If you are to adjust to being a wolf you need to have atleast one other to learn from.

A piece of advice, don't be ashamed of your past and what Tala has done for your life. Be proud. Torr chose you as his special child. We are werewolves, Artemis, but you were BORN with true wolf in you. You are pure. You say you aren't ALL werewolf, when you are the purist werewolf. The wolf that changed you is inside, many of us are bitten and never meet their creator. Be strong. If you have any questions about things your pack never taught you, then let me know. We'll be happy to answer it. You're welcome to join our "virtual pack".

NEW MEMBERS!: We're expecting two other wolves, 18 year old twin males that were created last year somtime.

THE FIGHT: I know I haven't said much about the fight. I don't remember much of it, I remember pain and hell and getting bitten a couple times. Then i remember being in bed for a couple weeks with apollo, benny, and danny shoving meds down my throat to keep my fever down. I'm better now! I'm so happy, I morphed for the first time today since the attack. It hurt a little bit but it was a good kinda pain, you know? Any questions let me know.

Quick Re-Cap of what happened

Artemis, I'd like to welcome you to the blog. It's nice to have another werewolf to converse with. Yes, we were attacked and I doubt your friend was among them because...they're all dead now. Here's what happened

Early in July packs north west of mine started getting attacked, total werewolves killed were 5. 4 were in comas. 2 still are in comas. Almost every other night another pack was attacked. We soon figured out the distance the packs were from eachother, times they were attacked, and number of vampires. We knew they were coming for us so we were prepared, they attacked at midnight one night. We fought for three long hours and managed to kill all of them, by order of the werewolf council of course.
There are sixteen of my pack, seven stayed behind and our good friend Apollo who is a war-wolf, joined us.
Unfortunately, I was bitten twice, so I was out for a week or so. Fevers, hallucinations, normal vampire bite stuff.

So...yeah. That's about it.
Any questions?


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Born By the Night has it's advantages

Hi everyone, Tony is doing well, she walked around a little today. She's going stir crazy though. I figured I'd give you another update on how our pack is doing. Everyone is fine, a few scratches here and there but it's all good.
The reason Tony hasn't posted yet and is JUST getting up is because a few nights ago a fever spiked in the middle of the night. We're naturally 104* or so, but her fever was 110*, it's come almost everynight. This might be natural...if she weren't dealing with two vampire bites. We think one of them may have injected a small amount of venom into her blood stream. But have no fear, she's doing well.

There's another werewolf on here, she goes by Ookami Tala (i believe) she asked us to elaborate on ourselves a little so here goes: We are a pack of 16 werewolves, the oldest being Benny who is 5 centuries old. We are second generation werewolves, meaning we were bitten but don't just change under a full moon. We can change whenever we like but under the full moon it's necessary. The New Moon gives us power, it represents the point in our lives where we battle ourselves for humanity. You'll notice that First Generation (hereditary wolves) are weakened by the new moon, because they never had to go through what we did.

We worship our god Torr, he's chooses his children by hand and sometimes gives them power. Tony is a very powerful alphess, we love her, she was destined to be great from the day she was "born" she has the power of sensitivity, she can guess how someone is feeling or what's running throught their minds. She's a compassionate leader which is why we love her. Benny's Torr given power is leadership, though he's not our alpha he is a crucial member of our pack.

We look like large wolves, the only thing human about us is our eyes, though even they change color when we morph. When I say large wolves I mean huge, we're like bears. We're strong of course and the older we get the more powerful we are.

Any Questions?

Licantropo (aka Tony) This is werewolf in Italian
Hombre Lobo (aka Danny) This is werewolf in spanish it means man-wolf.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Fight with Vampires

Hi there everyone, this is Danny. Well Tony is laying on the bed telling me somethings to say so it's Tony and Danny.
We battled the vampires last night, though some of our pack was told to stay behind. So that left ten of us to seven vampires. Apollo came to help too, so that was good.
I know you're all waiting to hear how Tony is, and she's doing well. She suffered the worst out of all of us, this includes: Two vampires bites, MANY scary long scratches all over, and we found a couple broken ribs.
She got the bites because she saved Apollo's ass, well she saved us all actually.
The fight went well, it wasn't Tony, Benny, Z, or Alex's first fight with vampires. But it was their first against so many or so hostile. Tony has been resting which is exactly as she needs to do, Benny and Apollo are watching over her injuries. Lucian is coming tonight to check on us.

LILY - Tony is saying this, i'm writing it down: Lily, Thank you so much. These past week you've kept me sane. You've kept my mind on other things outside our little havoc reaked bubble. I couldn't have stayed calm if it weren't for you. And because of that, I am forever in you debt. As a lycan I give you my word, and my word as Alphess is binding, if you ever find yourself in need of a werewolf or a friend, I shall be there.

And you asked how you heal Vampire Bites. Sadly you cannot heal a vampire bite, the venom spreads quickly if they were to inject the venom into you. These vampires were biting to kill not to change us into vampires so there wasn't any venom. But Tony will forever be marked with the scars of this battle.

Lily you've heard this saying before and this is something Tony made up and she actually has painted on the walls of her room:
"As I fall into the night, i shall kiss the stars goodbye, and hope to whatever god is up there that I shall survive this fight."

If you have any questions let us know.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Vampire Update

They're getting closer. We think either tonight or tomorrow will be the attack.
I will post when I can, if we all survive (and we will), then the post'll be posted sooner rather than later.

Wish us luck.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Me This Time

Hi everyone, I know I haven't posted in a while. But I wanted to give you a more detailed update with what's going on in our hell havocked little world. Let's start

#1 - Freaking Vampires - What the hell is wrong with the world that werewolves and vampires can't live in harmony? **Sighs** Ever seen Van Helsing? No, good. It's shit. That was pointless but let me continue. So far Six or Seven werewolf packs have been attacked, three maybe four have been killed many have been injured. Two are in comas. There are at least seven vampires, all the packs they've attacked are in our general area. The last one attacked was two nights ago and about 30 miles north west of us...they are getting closer. We're running patrols around the clock, either benny, Z, or I are in them, all the time.

#2 - Freaking Alpha Pair - The alpha pair are two werewolves that run a pack together, dude and girl right? Well the elders of the council are thinking about making me choose between an Alpha to go along with me, or letting an alpha take over alone. I would agree to an alpha pair: IF I could have my Alpha be danny, and that's not right since he such a young werewolf. If I had an alpha to my alphess it would either be, Benny, Z, or Alex seeing as though they've been werewolves for the longest. So you can imagine the kind of hell I'm going through

#3 - Freaking Stress - You take all of the stuff above, add two hours of sleep a night, little food, changing form often, running like a freaking physco on patrols, waiting for messages from lucian, the council, and other packs, STIR and bake at 350* and you have ME, stressed out, tired alphess who is trying to do the best for her pack, be a good girlfriend, and defend her pack against seven pissed phsyco vampires.
OH and to top it all off Danny is pissed because we haven't been spending enough time together! He questions my commitment to our relationship. Does he not see me running around like a greyhound on crack and getting NO sleep?! Damn that boy needs his eyes checked. I love Danny, I do, but his questioning that is really starting to piss me off. And i know he'll see this and get pissy but at this point in time he should know.

Much love, stay safe...blahblahblahblah...
``Werewolf Moon``

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hi there, this is Danny and Alex again. Tony is still busy as hell, but now...
The reason tony, Z, and Benny have been freaked out is because recently there have been attacks on werewolf packs in our general area. Two werewolves have been killed, two (possibly three) are in comas. There has been five attacks, each one getting closer to us.

And who is the ones attacking?
Pissed, hostile, physco, killer Vampires. That's who.

So now we're all kinda wigged out, we're running patrols. Lots of them. Another pack was attacked yesterday, Lucian told Tony this morning.
I haven't seen Tony much in these past few days, well like a week actually. She's been really busy, Benny and Z and her are the ones who are the most worried.

I think there are more details that might be a little less important that she's not telling us. But someone is always on the computer, waiting for word from Lucian, the pack that was attacked yesterday is 60 miles northeast of us....

-Danny, Alex-

P.S. Lily - We give you our sympathies for your loss, we are so sorry. You guys are like family to our pack and Tony told us this morning about Madison. It really upset us. Carter quite a lot. You see, Carter's brother was a Zombie, two years after Leo (Carter's bro) came back, he was reterminated by those damned white vans.
If we can do anything let us know. You've done a ton for us already.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One fish two fish red fish blue fish

Helllllooooooooo internet! My name is Sir Alexander Nicholas Wolfbane! As you probably guessed NO, that's not my real last name. I am the amazing Alex that Tony so often talks about on here, she has a thing for me, it's obvious. Oh doink, Danny just gave me the death look. Any who. Tony's really busy....really really busy, for some god unknown reason. But we do know that she's only told Benny and Z. Lucian has sent messages to her via warwolf (apollo)

However we also know that she's told someone outside the pack. Someone named Lily...perhaps. Yep. Lily we're worried about Tony, when she sees this not only will she kill us but she'll be weird while doing it. Maybe if you told us we could help...

We're at a loss.

-Alex, Danny, the younger pack-

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hi I get to post again!!!

Hello everyone! This is Carter, Lily thank you for asking about me, I do feel special. Huh, that sounded kinda gay. Anyway. To be completely honest I'm feel great, Tony is really helping me with controling my humanity. Jon and I have been hanging out, writing music really helps. Benny is great to talk to since he's been around for like...ever. But something weird happened in the house, Benny brought up the concept of "the Alpha Pair." I asked what that was and here is what he said: "The Alpha Pair is a pair of wolves who lead the pack together..."
I asked who would be Tony's Alpha...partner...? I think. And Everyone looked kinda uncomfortable. I think it's because technically Benny or Z or Alex should be since they are the oldest males. But Danny is her boyfriend, but it'd go against tradition or werewolf law to have an alpha pair with one of the youngest males.'s kinda tense in the house.

On the upside ~ I MET A FAIRY!!! We got to meet um...Wendy, she's really awesome. She bought pizza for us!

Tony has been kinda tense lately to, something's up and she's only telling the elders in our group. She's really nervous and hasn't been staying at the house much, she's been out, it looks like she's patrolling. I don't know. The elders are tense, too. It's crazy. And there's been more than one message from Lucian Axel, and the werewolf council.

Do any of you guys have an Idea????


Friday, July 17, 2009

Strong Like Bull! or well...wolf.

PARIS, thanks for the questions. I love the questions you guys ask cause it's not like "How loud can you bark...?"

QUESTION: Are you guys pyshically fit or do you still have to work at it?

ANSWER: Generally we are fit and quite muscular. The reason this is, is when we transform our muscles are bent and tested, flexed, reshaped, and stretched from human to wolf to back again. Werewolves are fit and muscular to begin with but we easily gain more muscle since we run for miles everyday.

Great questions! keep them coming!

-Tony & Danny-

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Behavior of Werewolves.

Lily you rock! I love the questions you ask.

QUESTION: Do werewolves in their human form act differently then pre-werewolf liftimes?

ANSWER: I think you were asking if our personalities are different then they were when we were just human, right? And yes, deffinately. Most of the time our likes and dislikes stay the same. But we get a whole different view on life.
EXAMPLE: Before I changed I took advantage of everything I, I sure as hell don't.
Before Carter changed he kept to himself and didn't enjoy the company of others. Now he loves being around us, probably because we are just like him.

Sometimes a werewolf's tranformation is so traumatizing they become isolated and don't talk to anyone. It really depends on how hard you fight to keep yourself and your humanity.


Magical Clothing!

Thanks Lily! We got another question!!!

QUESTION: What happens to your clothing when you transform?
ANSWER: **Grins manically** well...after ALOT of practice, we can get our clothes to actually pop in and out of transforming with us. But that takes a long time. So when you're new or in a hurry, well, let's just say we've lost alot of clothes.
Just to clear it up when we change from human to wolf (new wolves or impatient ones) our clothes get ripped to shreds. Therefore when we change from wolf to human...well...I guess we're kinda used to it now. (But thenagain you get guys like Alex around a bunch of werewolf girls who were in a hurry and well....)



Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Ah I'm excited. Thank you LILY for asking such a marvelous question.

IF YOU DIDN'T NOTICE: I will use a knew post for most questions because it most likely will take a very long explanation.

QUESTION: When werewolves Transform does it hurt?
ANSWER: Not after the first few times. When I changed for the first time...I've never felt pain like that. I had a post on it a LONG time ago, so you can look through them if you wish. But not anymore, actually the feeling of changing form is rather pleasureable.


Cleaning Up.

Okay, well today I went on to the Haunted House and noticed that a couple people replied to something I posted a while ago telling them who I am, I introduced myself and told them what I am and this is what I got in return:

Person 1: Werewolf?...
Person 2: Yeah, a werewolf. Changes from human to wolf during the full moon.
Eats Raw meat
hates vampires for some confusing reason

REALLY?! really?! Is that what everyone thinks a werewolf is?! I am so tired of people assuming that all the garbage hollywood spews from their botoxed mouth is true! GRRR... - Tony

Hey everyone, this is Danny. Tony got a little worked up about this so I took the computer from her. We decided to do a little "Cleaning Up." With some basic werewolf questions and answers. I'm asking the questions, Tony is providing the answers.

Q: Is the Full Moon Legend true?
A: No. We can change whenever we want. Though during the full moon, we HAVE to change.

Q: Do you eat raw meat?
A: Well...when we are in wolf form, yes, but not in human form.

Q: Is that hating vampires legend true?
A: Hundreds of years ago vampires and werewolves didn't get along, I don't know exactly why, but we didn't. The old order vamps and wolves today don't like eachother but the more modern ones get along fairly well.

Q: Do werewolves look like wolves or hairy humans?
A: Wolves. Large wolves with rather intelligient eyes. (By large I mean huge)

Q: How do werewolves generally behave? (blood thirsty killers or fluffy dogs)
A: Werewolves are generally gentle giants. We have no use of blood, we aren't vampires, but we have shorter tempers. The younger the wolf, the shorter the temper. And trust me you don't wanna be around a werewolf when they lose their heads. And I've got the scars to prove it.

That's all we can really think of right now. PLEASE PLEASE if you have any questions, at ALL. Just ASK.

If your friends who aren't bloggers have werewolf questions, just ask for them.

Don't rely on Hollywoods version of things.

--Danny & Tony--

Sunday, July 12, 2009

When It Comes Down to It.

When I was younger, I wished to get older and make a name for myself. You are all gonna think this is pretty damn hilarious but, I wanted to sing. I'm not very good, despite what my friends think (em.)But it was always a huge dream of mine to beable to oneday be up on a stage filling the hearts of people with my original work.

Dreams Change. No werewolf would ever dare to be famous, or ask for anything that involved being in the spot light. Because when you're in the spot light...people are always watching. That isn't good if you're a werewolf.

But I found another way to express myself, I love writing. Books and poetry. I've started writing many books, but can never get it going. So I was thinking...
what if I wrote a book, about this, about MY life. How I was "born" what I am, everything?

When it comes down to it, would I beable to pull it off?


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Phobias - Inspired By Paris!

Hey everyone, well I read Paris' post and she gave a list of her phobias. Well I decided to return the favor, I googled phobias and I seriously didn't know people could be scared of so many things. like fear of words? What the f***?!?!?!

Well here goes:
Aichmophobia - fear of needles (I hate needles, they creep me out)
Latrophobia - fear of doctors (doctors = needles)


cynophobia - fear of dogs.

JUST KIDDING ABOUT THE LAST ONE! How crazy would it be if a werewolf was scared of dogs or a vampire scared of blood. Crazy right? Lolz.

You should so totally check out the list, it's pretty damn hilarious:

it's great!


Friday, July 10, 2009

Posting Together!

Hey Everyone!!! This is Tony and Danny, howdy! Howdy? really? Yep. Okay, so, I must say I am superbly honored to be able to post with the might Alphess! (Danny)

Shut up! Alphess sounds weird, Aaaalllllppphheeessss. -.- OMG! LILY - You prolly saw this on Penelope's blog, but we went shopping (yes, shopping) and at Hot Topic we saw a shirt it said "Zombies Need Love, Too" We actually said, "oh my gosh! LILY." At the same time. So you see? We love you! (Tony!)

We were posting just to give you a quick update on ALL of our pack, Soooo. If you didn't know all their names you will now! Here weeeee gooooo. It'll go in basic order of Oldest wolf to youngest. But Tony will be first cuz she's alpha.

1.) Tony - Recently made Alphess. Will be a sophmore next year, so excited. Doing VERY well.

2.) Benny - Doing well, keeps us all calm. Smacked Alex in the back of the head about ten minutes ago for saying something really dumb.

3.) Z - Crazy as usual. Yesterday he put on one of Tony's old halloween costumes from when she was like ten and strolled around the house in it...WE GOT PICTURES!

4.) Alex - Immature as usual. But doing well.

5.) Tara - Still kinda mad at me for being mean to Tony so long ago (don't blame her)

6.) Ali - Same as Tara

7.) James - Kinda a drifter, doesn't stay around for long periods of time.

8.) Tia - Keeps us all fashionable

9.) Mikey - one of the youngest human aged werewolves (14)

10.) Erin - Watches out for the younger human aged kids

11.) Josh - Helps Alex with his immaturity

12.) Kira - the smart one of the school goers, she tutors those who need tutors.

13.) Jon - Very into singing, and very good at it.

14.) Rae - really into acting and theater. She performs at our school every year.

15.) Danny - Sports freak of the pack, lovable, gonna be a junior this year.

16.) Carter - Youngest of us. Loves guitar, very good at playing.

So you see there are MANY different personalities in our pack. WE SHOULD START A BAND! Now you know all of our pack!

-`Danny & Tony`-

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This is Stupid

Hi. Tony made me do this thanks to all of you. Thanks. Not. Whatever, my name is Carter Alexander, I was turned into a werewolf last...wednesday i think. I'm 21. Just so you are completely aware of how I feel, I think this is stupid, I hate being a werewolf, I hate talking to people I don't even know. But the alphess says I have to. You know, i don't hate the pack, they're great and really supportive. Tony's just as everyone describes her, she's a leader but she's...damn I can't even describe her. Benny's cool. Danny's really understanding because he was the newest. Z has to be the most hilarious person i've ever met. That's just it though, everyone is so good at being what we are, I just don't know if I can ever be that excepting. But when I told Tony that I didn't ask for this, this is what she said to me:
"Life isn't about who signs up carter, it's about who shows up. You could have died that day in that car accident, but Torr had better plans for you."
No one has ever said anything like that to me. I don't know. I hope that one day I might possibly except this freaking monster i've turned into. Until then, lock your doors.
(Carter A.)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am Alphess hear me Howl!

Hey everyone. We got back early this morning from the midsummer full moon ceremony and of course the alpha ceremony. I am officially alpha! The ceremonies were beautiful, since it was a regional meeting there were tons more spectral wolves. it was so cool!

We have a new member of our pack now. His name is Carter. He's actually kinda uptight right now because he's new. He is 21ish. He just like all new wolves, hates what he is. Figures. So Danny and I are trying to get him to chill.

LILY-Hey! Remember Apollo from my last post? Well he finds you and all the other zombies extremely fascinating, actually he used the word awesome but quickly revised it because war wolves are supposed to talk with the up most dignity. I let him look at your blog and he thinks you guys are amazing (erm...fascinating) He also thinks it's really cool that you guys trust us lycans enough, and that we trust you. You see war wolves aren't supposed to trust anyone except the alphas or alpha pairs of certain packs. (Alpha pair is a pair of werewolves that belong together and run the pack together.)

Any questions?!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quick Special Edition!

Hey! Okay so this is a special post because I'm not posting from the moon house, oh no. I'm posting from one of the war wolves laptop. I have two hours before I am pronounced Alphess of my pack. Two hours. UGH. But this has to be quick cuz we're taking a break. The full moon ceremony is still going on and as we say goodbye to our spectral family, they will bless me as true alphess.

BUT I just wanted to say look at the moon, isn't it amazing?! God it's so gorgeous, but I'm a werewolf so maybe that's why i think so.

Oh and Apollo says Hi.
Apollo is the war wolf I'm borrowing the laptop from. He's a sweetie. War wolves are protectors of the werewolf blood. If anyone goes around abusing their power the warwolves stop it.

Okay I gotta run (literally) it's time for the Running With the Wolves!
See ya!

Apollo Demetri

Monday, July 6, 2009

Oh My Lord~~~~

Hey guyssss!!! Okay. So tomorrow is the Full Moon!!!!! I am SOOO EXCITED!!!
But this isn't JUST the full moon. Oh no.
This is the Mid-Summer's Full Moon. This is a huge deal. AND Tomorrow at the full moon ceremony they are going to pronounce me Alphess, or female Alpha. Alphess I guess is the official name but any Alphess' there are just go by Alpha.
Technically, I am the alpha (alphess) already. But tomorrow they are going to officially give me the title. I am SOOO excited. So we'll go down for the regional pack meeting and Mid-summerfull moon ceremony AND alpha ceremony. It's going to be amazing!!!

You see the title this is under?
Well let me explain, my lord is not your lord. Werewolves have completely different gods. Our lord is Torr, the wolf god of the moon. Understand? Anyquestions?


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hey Hey!

Hey everyone, hope you had a fantasmatical fourth of july, (yes, fantasmatical, it's a combination of many happy words) Lot's of fireworks and bar.b.que and red white and blue. Mine was fun, Tony and I hung out with the ENTIRE pack, which was interesting, we aren't normally at in the same place together, but we were and that was actually kinda crazy. We played cornhole and catch and threw a football around. I went with Tony to see her parents but we were't there long when her sister and her sister's boyfriend pulled into the drive. We stayed for a few comments about how we were demons from hell, spawns of satan, how if he had a gun with silver bullets he'd kill us.(which was funny cuz we all know that's just dumb) and when he finally shut up, Tony just looked at him and smiled and said:
"Happy Fourth of July to you too!" and we left. It was amazing. We stayed up and watched the amazing fireworks, we set some of our own off. Z and Alex got into a popper fight (those things you throw at the ground and they exlpoad, well they threw them at eachother) Then at midnight we went for a run through the woods. It was AMAZING! Okay. So Tuesday...i think, yeah. Tuesday, the Seventh is the MID SUMMER FULL MOON! It's gonna rock. Alright? How was your July 4th???

-Danny & Tony-

Friday, July 3, 2009

HEY! There, happy kinda almost JULY 4th!

Hey everyone, just wanted to wish you all a very amazing and happy July fourth. Werewolves celebrate the day of independence just like everyone else, lots of fireworks and a fabulous run through the woods at midnight...okay well maybe not how all humans celebrate the fourth but you get what you get. I hope all of you check out my fairy friend's site. This is week she is going by Myra (I don't even know) She's a little crazy but then again aren't we all? I've been reading some werewolf books lately and they are actually REALLY Good. like Kitty and the Silver bullet by Carrie Vaughn and New moon by Rebecca York. I went to the library and found them...huh. REMEMBER the 7th is A FULL MOON!!! WOOHOO. Anywhooooo.

What do you guys do for the fourth? LILY, How do you guys at celebrate the fourth? LOTS OF FIREWORKS!!! Woo hoo. Have a fabulous and safe fourth of July all my virtual pack members! No drinking and driving...buckle up for safety...don't run with scissors...don't walk and chew gum...don't talk to strangers...don't tell a werewolf they smell like dog...don't ask a vampire for a bandaid...don't tell a fairy their wing's on fire...don't tell a guy he looks like a fruitcake...don't play with matches...don't cross the YEAH! COME TO THE DARKSIDE WE HAVE COOKIES! Lol.

``Tony & Danny``
PS. THIS IS OUR 100th POST. 0.0

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Never Ever After

Today i wanted to talk a little bit about love in life (or death) of mythical creatures. This one is mostly gonna revolve around Vamps and werewolves. When you're human you have every chance to tell that speacial someone how you truly feel, and many times you never take that chance. It's too risky, you fear rejection, you fear his/her reply. would it feel to have every chance like that taken away from you? Z never told you any of this but he gave me permission.

Before Z changed in the late fall he'd taken his girlfriend to a party where they had a great time. Well she wasn't his girlfriend yet, they were close friends and were kinda sorta dating. He kept putting off the chance to tell her how he truly felt until it was too late. He was bitten and he became a werewolf. He called her and had to tell her they couldn't see eachother anymore. She now hates him. He loved her, he still loves her, and he thinks everyday of ways to get her to be friends with him again.

We all waited, none of us took the risk it took to tell that person that we liked them. I'll admite I liked a guy before I was changed, I still see him at school so I'm kind of glad i didn't tell him, but for others if they had told them the truth, then they could've possibly helped eachother through the horrors of the change.

What I'm trying to say is, don't wait until it's too late to admit that you love someone. Because many times, after you go through the change you shut people out of your life completely. I've known a few vampires like that, where they talk to people but humans are nothing but a sorce of food and other creatures are just there. it's a scary life.

Don't wait to admit it.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Tale of Two Mythicals.

Hey there! Okay, so me and Em decided to let you all know how I found out she was fairy and she found out I was werewolf. You see, Em was born fairy, but the only people that can see fairy wings are children under 6 and certain mythical leaders. I told you that on halloween two years ago i changed for the first time and I was gone for a while. Me and em were friends before that, but when I came back to school I though I kept seeing wings on her back. Then I kept thinking that maybe being a demon from hell was turning me insane. But apparently fairy people have the power to know what a person is, they can detect if that person is a lycan or a vapmire or something. So like one day I went up to her, feeling insane of course, and asked her about the friggin gigantic pair of wings on her back and she blew me off like I was indeed insane. Which was believeable. After a couple days I think i just got fed up and asked her again, that's when she told me, and that's when she admitted she knew I was a werewolf. She'll give you a more promising version of this story because the first few weeks back at school after changing are a little hazy for me.


``werewolf moon``

her blog

OKAY. So I told you about my bestest buddy in the world. Em. She's amazing. I love her to death man, we're like the wicked sisters. SHE MADE A BLOG

It's called: I'm No Tinkerbell

it's awesome. She just got her first post up and it's great. I think you'll love it. She's a fairy as I told you already. So if you like me you should like her too, she's AWESOME!



Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Fate, Destiny, Coincidence, God, the almighty, the elements. What makes things happen? Who makes things happen? As you should know by now I'm not a religious girl, something does feel wrong when I walk into a church, i feel out of place amongst those who have no real secrets, the humans. I'd have to bet that a bunch of you get angry when I do posts like these because i generalize humans but you have to understand that these are my opinions and how I view the world. Anyway. There is a reason everything happens. I don't care what you call it. There's gotta be some reason. I call it fate. Everything. Everything, in my opinion occurs for a reason, no matter how trivial, it all happens for some reason. Before I changed, I used to believe there was more out there, much more, a world that no one could see. And now I am apart of that world. But now I wonder again, is there more out there than us? More out there than the unseen world? I don't know. Maybe there is. Maybe.

So was I changed for a reason? Was there a reason that fate brought me into the woods on halloween two years ago? I think there was. I don't think it was some odd coincidence or poor timing. But I'm grateful for whoever did it. Without them or it or whoever, I'd still be human, dreaming about the unseen world. I'd be content with lolling around my day to day life in a bore and repeptitive routine I'd repeat until the day I died. How depressing is that? When I was human...spontenaity wasn't my niche, I could be fun and have a good time but I didn't like change much. Now that I'm a werewolf, my entire life is spontaneous.

Things happen for a reason. Tables turn, people change, routines are lost, your souls is saved. It's hard for me to explain or put to words what my thoughts on fate and destiny are. I believe we all have a destiny, but when people say they know their destiny, they're wrong. It wouldn't be destiny if you knew what it was.

``Werewolf moon``

My friend!

You know how I always talk about how no on besides my family knows that I'm a werewolf? Well to be honest...i kinda lied. There's one other person that knows. BUT. She isn't human, she's not lycan, she's not a vamp or a zombie. She's a fairy, the lost race, as they are sometimes known.

She's one of my best friends.

I can't tell you much about her race because I don't know how much she'll want to be let out.

She told me she was gonna make a blog about her fairy life and everything. I'll let you know when she gets it running.

``werewolf moon``

Monday, June 29, 2009

When the going get's tough

Okay. I decided to take a step back from the blah blah of the everyday and focus on something a little bit more...deep. As you can see from the title "When the Going get's tough." it's going to be about a harder part of life.

When humans have an issue or problem they generally find someone to talk to about it. To sit down and pour out their feelings, and have the other person give advice.
What if suddenly there was no one? No one to talk to? Or give advice? Or hold you while you cry? What IF no one could share your pain or help you through it. I'll tell you from personal experience that it sucks. Werewolves and Vampires the secret races, experience that just about everyday.

I remember when I first changed and went back home, my parent's were so mad because I'd been gone for a whole day. They yelled and screamed and when they asked for an explanation, i couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell them how terrified I was, I couldn't tell them how much pain i'd been in, how much it scared me, or how I wanted to die. They couldn't know that. So i took blow after blow, of their yelling and dealt with it.

One of my good friends, Eric, is a vampire. He told me that when he was bitten and made the change into a vamp, he had to leave his wife and children. Did he want to? No. Did he have to? Yes. He loved his wife and kids more than anything in the world and when his wife demanded to know why he was leaving he couldn't tell her it was because he'd changed into a vampire and that after he learned to control his blood lust he'd come back. If he did that she'd leave him and hate him. For her safety and sanity he left, telling her he didn't love her. It's been a hundred years since then, he saw his daughter Lena once riding in a car, she'd grown older and he hadn't.

The children of the dark (vampires, lycans, zombies) lose everything when they defy the laws of science. Homes, friends, family, everything. Don't take for granted all that you have. Because one day you'll be wondering where it went.

``Werewolf Moon``

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The date

Okay. Lily, Chloe, Anney and Madison told us that we should do a whole post on our date. So here goes. Danny took me to dinner at the Olive Garden, which is my favorite resturant because I'm italian. And then he took me to see a movie at a drive in! It was amazing. I've never actually been on the classic dinner and movie date, it was like in the movie Grease. Except he didn't elbow me in the boob and I didn't run from the car (HEY! The guy in grease's name was danny too!) Benny and Z acted like the parent's it was kind of disturbing but hilarious at the same time. Benny is SO not used to the idea of young girls going on dates ALONE. So he was a little hesistant about it, but it's not like he could stop me. Z was hilarious in acting like...the mom. Yes Z was my mom. (?) If you'd been there you probably would've run screaming and laughing at the same time. Okay. So...any questions?

``Tony & Danny``

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hey it's well...US

Hey guys! It's Tony and Danny. It's great to be back, thanks for all the support and everything through this exhausting week. (tony)

Hi there. I know there's probabaly quite a few names you'd all like to call me, for being the major ass face I was being. To tony, Z, and Lucian. I was out of line I'll admit. But I can't apologize for the pain I felt. You know?

LILY BENAN - I read your comment and I totally agree with everything you said about me. I was stupid and mean and a jerk. But that's not who I truly am. I'm normally a pretty nice guy. The guy you origanally thought I was is who I am, truly. Well that's what I think anyway. I'm sorry, to everyone. (Danny)

Don't be too hard on him. Have you guys ever felt something for someone and thought they felt differently? That's how danny felt...that's how I felt. (Tony)

We know that you guys have a thousand questions about the date.

Our first kiss

our fight

our...feelings during the fight

and after.

and probably just really random questions that pop up in your mind when you think about werewolves...right?! So any question what so ever is good. We'll answer it, and if it's a good enough question then we'll make a new post for it, kay?! So BRING IT ON (stupid chick flick)
<3 xoxo

Friday, June 26, 2009

Quick Update.

Hey everyone, it's Tony, back and ready for action. Sorry for being...uhm...absent for a bit, but Z kept you up to date on EVERYTHING.

I have to do this quickly because Danny and I are going on a date this evening.
We're both doing wonderful, most of you, yes, had been correct about us.

But mostly I want to say...thanks. you guys put up with the ups and downs of being a werewolf, not only that but being a female alpha, it's tough stuff. You guys have really helped.

Sorry that this is so short and non-informational. Danny and I will post tomorrow or Sunday. Thanks again. <3

OH! And R.I.P Michael Jackson - King of Pop and a huge idol for many many years. No he wasn't my favorite person in the world but he was a HUGE star, HUGE. He died yersterday evening from a heart attack.

AND>>> R.I.P Fara Fossett - Original Charlie's Angel, huge star. Who died yesterday afternoon @ age 62 from a very long battle with Cancer.

``werewolf moon``

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Moon House goes INSANE!

Salaway! (hello in Latin) Here we have the latest and most exciting update on Tony and Danny. For those of you just tuning in we all think Danny likes Tony, Tony dated Lucian, danny went crazy ass hole jelous, tony broke up with lucian because she likes Danny. Okay. Last night Tony decided to tell Danny how she truly felt about him. He still thought that Tony was with Lucian SOOO he was still a jerk face, this is how it went down.
TONY: "Hey, Danny, can I talk to you, alone?" Danny gives a sigh, i resist urge to smack him
Danny: "Not this again. What you can say to me, you can say to them."
TONY: "I really would rather say it to YOU, alone." Danny shrugs and Tony sighs
Danny: "Just say whatever you have to. You and Lucian are getting married, Lucian got you pregnant, just tell us."
Tony: "Lucian and I aren't dating anymore." Danny froze, Tony continued "And I was thinking about everything that happened, and the reason that we didn't work out was because I have feelings for someone else."
Danny: "Of COURSE you do, why wouldn't you? Break up hook up, who gives a f***?!" He still hadn't caught on to Tony's words and wanting to speak to HIM, alone. Moron.
Tony: "Danny-" He interrupts
Danny: "So who is he?"
Tony: "Danny-!" he interrupts AGAIN, tony sighs
Danny: "Is it Josh or Nick or Sam?!"
Tony: "Dammit! Shut the hell up! I like YOU!" he froze again staring at her like her head fell off and sprouted a flower.
Danny: "What...?"
Tony: "I like YOU, I have since I first met you, I have for a long time."
Danny: "You do?!"
ME!!!: "Stop talking and kiss her dammit!" yes that's me! getting a little impatient so I give him a shove and he for once listens to me and kisses her.
Tony: "So I take it you like me too?" after the kiss, he nodded and they hugged! it was awesome! I'm a guy and I thought that was freaking sweet. They are inseperable now, so those of you who knew it was gonna happen, CONGRATS you win...the freaky confusing werewolf dating game...? Yeah, that sounds good. SEEYA!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Take a left and the tables turn an Update from Z

Hya. It's Z (again) and I'd just like to give an update from the Moon House. Tony is doing fine, she's get's kinda quiet when Danny comes around and Lucian hasn't been around since yesterday. Here's what going on the the MH.

Danny is still being an asshole. He makes crude, irratating comments about Tony.

Benny is getting pissed off because he and Tony have been friends since Tony first changed.

Ali (another she-wolf and one of Tony's good friends) called Danny an asshole for treating her like dirt. (Tony later calmed Ali down)

Alex can't decide whether to agree with Tony because she's alpha or Danny because they're buds, but he agreed that Danny was out of line.

Tara agrees with Ali and managed to use several rude gestures to silently cuss Danny out. Tony yelled at her.

I am personally pissed but very glad that Tony is doing so well. She is getting everyone to stop (or should I say trying) to stop everyone from being mean to Danny.

I got a chance to talk to her. And she basically told me that she and Lucian decided together to take a break. Here's how it went.
Me!!: Hey, Tony, how you doing?"
TOny: I'm fine, Z. How are you?" I sighed, she was trying to get me to laugh
Me!!: "Where's Lucian?" she shrugged
Tony: "We're kinda taking a break. I told him I had to focus on the pack and he said he had to get back to the werewolf capital. We're still friends but we're not dating anymore."
Me!!: "Does Danny know?"
Tony: "Only you know. But what difference does it make?"
ME!!: "You'd be surprised....Tony? Do you like Danny?" A long pause from Tony, staring out at the rising sun. She looked kind of at peace.
Tony: "Yes, i do. I have since we first met when he came to the pack. I care for Danny alot. Much more than he seems to care for me. I don't know what happened, I was so sure he felt the same way about me."
Me!!: "if you like Danny then why'd you date Lucian?"
Tony: "I liked Lucian, too. Not as much as Danny, but after my sister hurt me instead of being THERE for me, Danny brought Lucian up."
ME!!: "Danny said he tried to talk to you."
Tony: "Sadly, he didn't. If he had i would've had closure with him. It would've been nice to have the guy I like to talk to. But instead he brought Lucian who I didn't know very well."
ME!!: "I'm confused"
Tony: "I like Danny, Danny hates me, Danny won't talk to me, he's a jerk to me, and I STILL like him. I'm confused, my head hurts, and after the way Danny acted I'm not sure what to think."
Me!!: "Did you ever think of telling him you like him?"
Tony: "And have him make jokes about me? Have him laugh at me? Call me names and yell at me? I don't think so. As alpha I can't put myself up to that kind of nonsense. But atleast I can tell how he feels. I can push myself past my feelings for the better of the pack, right? See ya, Z."

I'll be honest, I've never met a girl like tony. She's strong and powerful and she moves past her own pain (cause by Danny) to lead the pack. It's incredible. What do you think we should do, because oddly enough, the tables have turned.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


HELLO bloggers (bloggerites? Bloggorians?) It's Z. I haven't been on in a while. BUT I figured I might be the one posting because our fearless leader is having an issue with my pack mate, Danny. I kinda think Danny's way out of line and kinda insane at this point. Tony is doing her best and this was a...conversation (more like screaming match) they had this morning. Me and Danny And benny were chillin' in the living room and in comes Tony. (I provide my opinion through this)
Tony: "Danny...can we talk? Please?"
Danny: "Whatever you want, you're alpha." Tony is being really nice to him and he comes back with that? Ouch.
Tony: "Please, Danny?"
Danny: "Whatever you can say to me you can say in front of your pack." She wants to talk to you alone you idiot. God damn.
Tony: "Okay. Well...I really don't know how to start. For days I've been trying to figure out why all of a sudden you hate me, I'm really confused. And I just want to know what I did." Tony looks close to tears, Danny just lookes careless.
Danny: "A member of a pack never hates the alpha." What the f***?!
Tony: "Well I'm not asking you as werewolves I'm asking you as a friend. Why won't you talk to me?!"
Danny: "Friend? Who ever said we were friends?" Jesus Danny. Tony gives this weird strangled noise, and I happen to see the tears. This is killing her and the pack is getting pissed.
Tony: "Danny, why? What did I do?! God, I'm trying to understand! Why are you being like this?" I feel really bad for Tony, she just gets better after that situation with her sister and now THIS?! Danny's killing her, can't he see that?
Danny: "Don't pull that crying stuff on me, Tony."
Tony: "you think I like crying? You think I want to? You think that I enjoy crying over a guy who I thought cared about me but really doesn't give a damn at all? Well I don't. I'm sorry for whatever I did. I'm sorry for making you mad. But if I don't know what I did then I never meant to hurt you. God, Danny. I just don't understand. I'm sorry. I'm...I have to go." With this Tony ran from the Moon House. This is where I kinda went off. Benny stayed the calm center...kinda.
ME!!: "What the hell, man? She tries to talk to you and you blow her off? That's fucked up."
Danny: "You don't-"
ME!!: "Oh shut the hell up with that 'you don't understand' shit. Because what I understand is that you just made our leader cry. You made Iron Tony CRY. You know what that means? that Means 'you don't understand' How much of an ass hole you are." I slammed the door and went after tony. I didn't find her. She came back later but didn't talk to anyone. Then Lucian came by, we expected a fight between him and Danny, but all Lucian did was speak.
Lucian: "I know you see how amazing Tony is. I know that everyone here does. I know that you all love her, so do i. But if you love her so much, why did you hurt her, why did you make her cry? That doesn't make much sense to me. Especially when all she wanted to do was figure out why you hate her. And that's what she thinks, she thinks you hate her, and I don't think you hate her, i think you just don't care. Excuse me." he simply moved up the stairs to Tony's room. Let's hear what YOU think about this little dispute.



Monday, June 22, 2009

I wanna go crazy werewolf all over you

OH MY GOD! I can't believe Danny, he's so totally pissing me off! UGH. Okay, so you know that in human years Lucian's about 300. That was the problem Danny had with him before but NOW he's getting all >.< because in like technical years Lucian is like 19 to my fifteen. Four years...big la dee dah. He's all: "He's too old for you" "He could get arrested" BLAh BLAH BLAH. he's so bothersome. I SWEAR. UGH.

Wait...maybe I should explain werewolf aging to you. Whatever age you first change at is relatively the age you should stay. BUT most people get changed when they're older. But if you're like me and get changed when you're young you continue to age until you reach the prime of your life. Which for me will be like...17 or 18. Lucian changed when he was seventeen but aged for two more years until his 19 birthday when he stopped. So WHO CARES how old I am, since i will age for like three more years anyway and be just a year (virtually) younger than him. I truly don't understand Danny, when he and I hung out he was funny and sweet and amazingly nice but ever since I started seeing Lucian he's like gone total bezerko on me (Bezerko? Yes. I heard it on...Clueless i think) I don't get it at ALL...

MAYBE you all have an idea?

He's gonna read this and freak but I DON'T CARE! (love that FOB song)

``werewolf moon``

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hey everyone, Danny just kinda got mad at me cuz i didn't get on here to tell you ALL about the amazing Lucian, which i am currently dating. As you well know he's leader of the Regional Werewolf Leauge (that's it's official name) you know it as the Regional Pack. He's over three hundred years old so he's extremely into chivalry, it's really sweet. Danny thinks he's too old for me...blah blah blah, i don't really care. Okay for those of you out there who actually care what Lucian looks like, he is very tall with longer black hair and green eyes, overall...he's amazingly handsome. In fact he's actually staring at me right now like I've gone crazy cause he's reading what i wrote. He wants to type something

Hello. Don't listen to her, my hair isn't that long. -Lucian

Isn't he hilarious? Totally. -.-

``Tony & Lucian``

Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh woohoo

Hey everyone. I've got a bit of news that may be shocking to you, a reason why tony hasn't posted in a few days....SHE'S DATING!!!! AHHH. She's been going out with Lucian, the Alpha of the regional werewolf pack. Yeah. It's true. I never actually thought she'd date, but i guess if you're a werewolf dating a werewolf it works, right? I don't know. Lucian is like 300 years old, maybe a little too old for her. But he's more "experienced" right? Let's hear your opinion on her new dating venture. I don't believe Tony would appreciate mine too much.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Poem I Wrote

Hey guys, i wrote a poem last night, i was just kinda bored and thinking about the many things that happen when you're in that between stage when you're almost dead and then you change into a MC. Werewolves experience the same thing if you didn't know, when we're going through the change there's a point when you choose whether to reject the change and die or continue and become a MC. Obviously i chose choice B. Here's the poem i wrote.

When death calls
people fall,
fall to their knees
amongst the grass
amongst the trees
they give in
with ready submission
no fight
their lives become night
they drift through the darkness
until death himself hearkens
for them to choose the path of light
or night.
With light you give in
you float up to heaven
and be with Him.
With Night you live
and continue on
in lies.
As a demon
No one you love is living
but you
never dying
never changing
or aging.
not real,
all children born to the night
after giving up the light
after joining the fight
we weren't ready to die
but it's all a choice
give in to the light
or join us.

Let me know what you think.
``werewolf moon``

Monday, June 15, 2009

Isn't She Great?!

HI guys! So...Tony's posted a couple times, isn't she doing great?! I'm amazed. She's made such an amazing come back. Talking to her it's like talking to a more confident Tony, i mean, yeah she was really confident before but now it's like...BAM! Though...i did notice something, when she gets mad she doesn't really show it, her face goes blank and her eyes get really cold but you can see the pissed off'edness in the back, you know? But she's doing wonderful. She didn't tell you but Lucian's been hanging out at the Moon House, just to see her. I think he's trying to woo her. He's a good guy. If you wanna know about it you're gonna have to yell at Tony cuz she didn't tell you. :) If you have any questions let us know.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fortune Cookie

Okay, I'm gonna go Fortune cookie on you guys. I've been thinking about this for a while and i decided to put my thoughts to words.

Every single day I live a life that is mostly lies, my pack and I are werewolves, it's not like we can tell the world that we are werewolves, it would cause chaos. But you see, the world believes we don't exist, and what i wanna know is what if we didn't? Would the world change any? I would think it would. I think the world would be less interesting, what would make people stop and think about something greater? Or would it be the same if everyone knew we existed? If people knew, then would there be any reason to imagine, would there be any reason for wonder? i don't know. But i've met a few werewolves in my time who were convinced that perhaps maybe we ARE an abomination of god, perhaps everyday that we exist is contradicting god's will. I don't know. I've thought long and hard about this. And I am not the most religious person out there, I believe that most things can be explained by science, but i do believe in faith, hope, and fate. I'm not sure if i believe there is 'something greater' i don't know. But i'm off topic. If people knew we existed, or if there was NEVER a secret, would we still be able to find somthing to wonder about. About something greater?

I know that most of this is kind of random babbling but it's just kinda what i had running through my mind at the moment. I know it's strange, but when you're a teenage werewolf your entire life is strange. XOXO

``Werewolf moon``

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm Back

Hey everyone, i'm back, yep this is tony. And i seriously wanna thank everyone so much, for dealing with me and sending your love. I owe just about everything to Yuuka & Kimi, Danny, Z, & Benny. But a huge thanks to Lucian, Victor and Mary. All of you proved that I DO have brothers and sisters who care. I love you all so much. I feel better than i did before i exposed myself to my family, I feel strong, confident, and like i have the world at my side. What happened with my sister hurt me, hurt me somewhere deep inside, a place that may not ever heal. But, that's also the place touched by all of you, everysingle one of you has helped me, you've changed my life, i will forever be greatful.

I believe things happen for a reason, and i think that maybe my sister rejecting what i am is just another test to prove that my pack is here for me. I was out for some time, I read Danny's entries and posts, he did a good job while i was away. And the things he said about me were very true, and the poem that Z wrote me on the other site was touching. I will be posting again soon, I love you all. You are amazing people and i'll never be able to thank you enough for showing me that you CAN have more than one family.


Friday, June 12, 2009

The Rising

Hey everyone, just thought we'd keep you posted on Tony's "condition" after reading Yuuka's post she started to get better which is amazing, and we'll never be able to thank Yuuka enough. Lucian arrived last night and talked to tony almost all night, Mary is coming in an hour, Victor will be here tonight (he's a vampire he prefers night) We talked to Tony a little bit today and she is doing so much better. Lucian's helped her ALOT. It's amazing. We're still worried though, about any changes to her personality this brought.

-Danny & Z

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Info on Tony

Hey everyone. Unfortunatly Tony is She's going through the motions of being alpha, of being a daughter, of being a friend, but when you look in her eyes you get...lost in her pain. I've never seen anything like it, nothing at all. We're trying many things to pull her out, Lucian Axel is coming this weekend, we have a vampire and a zombie who are willing to sit down and talk with her. We DB'S are used to being abandoned but i think the thing that hurt Tony most is that she believed her sister would be the one to stand by her. I think talking to Lucian will help, I think talking to Victor (vampire) and Mary (zombie) is going to show her that she's not alone. i think it will show her that, not only is her parents and pack beside her, but the other DB'S too. If you have anymore advice let me know. Hopefully Tony will be up and posting again.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The wound that may not heal

I've seen alot in my life. I've seen death, i've seen heartbreak, i've seen many bad things. When i saw the light go out of Tony's eyes, i thought that was the worst i'd seen...but it wasn't. She seems...empty now. Scarily empty. Like when her sister rejected her, part of her died. I asked her if she was okay, and when she turned to look at me...her blue eyes were...flat and this is what she said:
"You never now truly how much someone loves you, until someone says you should be dead and your loved one agrees." Tony's parents and Benny and Dani had a really long talk. Dani still sides with her boyfriend...shocker. It really has hurt Tony...ALOT. I've tried everything to cheer her up. Benny decided to call Lucian Axel, he's the regional alpha. He's strong and bold, and cares for Tony. If anyone can figure this out he can. I don't know when Tony will post again...i've never seen a person before. If you have any advice please let me know. because i feel...utterly hopeless.

Monday, June 8, 2009

More on Tony and her parents

Hey everyone. Tony's been pretty busy today so she asked me to post an update on what happened with her parents. She ended up telling them that she was going to move out and surprisingly they were more upset about that than they were when she went werewolf on them. They promised to keep our secret and were amazingly accepting about us. They actually think it's cool. HOWEVER. there was one person who didn't think so.

Tony's sister texted her boyfriend and told him, she TOLD him that her sister was a werewolf. She broke the promise already. Benny and i were still there when he came, he burst through the door like he was god and i knew what was coming.
BF: " does it feel to be a demon?" After this there was a collective intake of breath. Tony just stared in disgust, she never did like him.
Tony: "Excuse me?"
BF: "You're a demon. The graves give up their dead and now demons stalk the earth." The-graves-give-up-their-dead...does that sound familiar?
Dad: "How dare you come into my house and insult my daughter!"
BF: "You haven't killed her yet? What kind of parents are you?"
Mom: "You lay one hand on her-"
Benny: "And you'll have 15 werewolves on your ass tonight and 500 tomorrow. The regional pack wouldn't take it lightly" We were all standing now, Tony stood in between Benny and I, but the thing that surprised us was what her sister said.
Dani: "He does have a point, mom. There's nothing natural about her being part wolf." I've never in my life seen the light leave someone's eyes as fast as Tony's did after her sister backed up her boyfriend.
Tony: "What?"
Dani: "You have to understand, kid, we love you, but you aren't even human anymore." Tony let out this really scary choking noise, i thought she was crying and she was, but she switched it to anger. Her voice started coming out in growls.
Tony: "You back your BOYFRIEND up but not you SISTER?!"
BF: "Because she knows what is moral and not." Tony's lips pulled back from her teeth
Tony: "Watch who you piss off, cause right now you are in a room with a very pissed off werewolf who could rip your head off as easy as breathe!"
Dani: "HEY!"
Tony: "Don't you start on me, traitor. I shouldn't have told you. Mom and dad, yes. You NO!" Benny stepped up and grabbed the bf by his shirt, he let his nails extend.
Benny: "You dare breathe one word of this to anyone, human, and you will be dead by sundown. I WILL kill you myself. Do you understand?"
BF: "Yes." he was scared now, you could tell. Tony was shaking with rage.
Tony: "Excuse me, but if i don't leave i am going to morph right here." she shoved out the door and i've only ever experienced what it was like to have no control over phasing myself when i first changed. But when we get so excited or angry our body changes and Tony's did now. I have to say it was scary. She snarled the entire time her body convulsed in on itself and she exploaded. Then she turned back to where the humans watched from the door.
Tony: "I'll be back once he leaves. I want Dani gone to. I will come back for my things and then i'll leave. But they BOTH have to be gone. I'm sorry you had to see this, mom, dad."

SO there you have the second part. It was very emotional and we'll post more later.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Deed is done - Part One.

Okay...that was actually...good. I told my parentals about myself, about my pack, it went surprisingly well. This is how it went down, we were all outside on the porch:
Me: "Mom, Dad, Dani, there's something i need to tell you...something about me."
Mom: "Oh my god, you're pregnant!" I sighed
Me: "No, i'm not. I've been lying to you for the past two years, just about every single thing i've told you hasn't been the whole truth."
Dad: "What the Hell are you talking about?"
Me: "Do you remember two years ago on halloween when i told you i was on a camping trip with all my friends?"
Mom: "yes, i remember"
Me: "I was camping...kinda, in the woods, god i'm beating around the bush."
Mom: "What's wrong?"
Me: "I'm a werewolf, mom. Half wolf. I was bitten two years ago on halloween and the reason i was gone was because i couldn't control my body. But i'm a werewolf." And...they laughed. My parents LAUGHED.
Dad: "You had us going there, kiddo, whew" laughing
Me: "I'm really sorry to do this, but-" i stepped off the porch and let myself fall into my wolf form, my parents sobered immediately. Mom started crying dad just stared, Dani stared.
Dani: "Holy shit, she's telling us the truth. She is a werewolf." I returned to human form and my pack (in wolf form) came from the woods to stand at my side.
Me: I am a werewolf. I'm leader of this pack; I've been leader for about a year. I don't know what to say, or do, or anything. I've gotten so tired of lying to you, of you having me think i'm irresposible when really i'm way more responsible that you thought. please say something?"
Mom: "Why didn't you tell us before?"
Me: "I was afraid that you'd tell me to go. or worse try to kill me. I didn't want to disappoint you."
Dad: "How could you think that? You are still our daughter. We'll always love you. We don't care if you're a werewolf, it was always a dream of yours wasn't it?" I hugged my parents tightly, i was shocked that they'd actually believed me.
Mom: "Who are all these others?"
Me: " yourselves." my pack changed into their human shapes, my mom gasped
Mom: "Benjamin? Danny? Alex? Z? Kira? Ali? You're all werewolves?"
Benny: "Yes we are. All of us. We are so greatful that you've been so understanding of our leader's honesty. you've given us a dash of hope."
Me: "Benny's the oldest of us. He's over five hundred years old. Danny's the newest being only a month or so old."
Dani: "This is just like the Twilight books. Only you're like Jacob and we're all like Bella."
Me: "I guess that's a way to look at it."

I'll post more later, right now my parents want to ask questions about being a werewolf. Danny and Benny stayed to help me out. I gave them the site to look at and they were amazed. It feels so good to have this off my chest. i can't believe someone knows the truth about me...i hope nothing bad comes of this

``werewolf moon``

Wish Me LUCK

I am scared, disgustingly scared, sick to my stomach scared. But...i have no choice. Tonight i am going to tell my parents what i am. I am going to tell them that their youngest daughter is a werewolf. I am so tired of hiding it and lying to them. I am tired of getting in trouble and being referred to as "the problem child" because i am what i am. I am not ashamed of what i am, i am imensley proud actually. But telling my parents is like telling Hitler he's a dork. I am terrified and feel like i'm going to throw up. But it must be done. If...IFFF they don't try to kill me i'm going to move out and move into the Moon House with Danny and Benny and Z and Alex. If that doesn't happen and they DO try to kill me I'm still gonna move into the moon house it'll just be way more upsetting than me being able to say goodbye to them. I'm really terrified. I hope...that one of them will understand and they'll beable to convice the other that i'm not a demon. Or maybe my sister Dani will understand. I don't know. But i will post much later tonight...i'll say around...9:30 or 10 so keep watching.

``werewolf mOon``

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My name is Z

Hey everyone, my name is Z, well that's not my NAME but that's what i go by, just like Tony's name isn't tony but we all call her tony. I figured i'd tell you a little about myself since i am now an author on both Just Your Neighborhood Werewolf and Diary of a Child of the Moon. I am technically 17 years old but I was 17 when i was changed into a wolf 5 years ago. so I would be 22? I think. About. I enjoy poetry (no i'm not gay) I love football (Go Steelers!) and I love to read. Tony seems to think we were seperated at birth because she loves the steelers and my favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe, which, if you recall, is hers too. I like screamo music, chiodos, sksk, devil wears prada, etc. People say i'm shy and in a way i am, but i would say i'm more...cautious than shy. Before i became a werewolf i trusted just about everyone and that's why i don't trust easily now. I realized that even when people promise everything is normal and it's all good, it probably isn't. I used to trust people (and god) when they said that humans and animals and plants were all there were, but then i became a werewolf and teenagers started coming back from the dead and nothing is really as it seems. I came from L.A. California and when i heard of a 500 year old werewolf i decided to book my ass over to Ohio. If you have any questions just let me know.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Question and Answer

Hey everyone. I was asked a very interesting question the other day. A very vauge but extremely good question. WHY?! Why are most humans typically afraid of Change and Difference? The answer? Here's what i think. Most humans are content to keep their lives in a ridiculously boring and repeptitive routine. No changes because with change comes risk and with risk comes danger and the unknown. WE, the "differently Biotic" (werewolves, zombies, vampires, etc) are that change. WE are that risk, that danger, that unknown. Have you ever heard the saying History Shall Repeat Itself? Well, history repeats itself everyday for humans. Get up, take shower, eat, go to work, come home, eat dinner, sleep, and try to imagine that everything is as it seems. In my opinion there are three classes the humans can fall into A.) The oblivious, those who go by the book and believe that everything that is out there is what there is. That every person that looks human IS human. Or they try to ignore the fact that teenagers are coming back. They believe those to be demons thanks to Reverend Mathers. B.) The Believers. These are people who believe there is something greater but don't want to break the code of what IS and what ISN'T. C.) The Knowers. These are all of YOU out there who believe in us, who think it's amazing that something other than the everyday exist. Something MORE.

I know it sounds like i'm generalizing humans, and in a way, I am. Because being that humans follow that dull routine of the everyday, that humans never break rank, never change the mold, is why humans are so easy to generalize. You might hate me for doing it. You may say i'm being arrogant. But if you really think about it, you'll realize I'm Right.'s your choice to choose class. Take the Rank. Or break it.

``Werewolf moon``

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don't Forget

Don't Forget to check out my other blog. I've been posting some stuff about the other wolves.

``Werewolf Moon``

In Response

Okay Everyone. Danny is sitting here next to me and we are writing this together. Cause we've gotta find a way to solve this little hater problem. The two emails i got and the "letter" Danny got are only three of what we suspect are going to be many. We are guessing that these people are watching our blog and they managed to figure out where we are. It isn't that hard, we just didn't think someone would be physco enough to do it.
I appreciate the offer Kimi and Yuuka, but despite Danny and a few others desires, i don't think it would be best for everyone if we were to fight these humans. It would only give them cause to harass us more, right? Benny and many of the others are on my side, Danny is too he just wishes that he could do something to make those hate mailers take back what they said. We are looking for ways, clever and sneaky to fight these people. Yes, they may see it on the site BUT they won't know what we choose OR when it's gonna happen. YOU HEAR THAT YOU PHYSCO BASTARDS WE AREN'T TAKING YOUR SHIT!!!! (That obviously was from Danny)

WE would like to have you suggestions.

Tony & Danny