Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Death has not been cruel

Hey Everyone. Tony here. And I KNOW you guys have been freaking out about what happened. It's okay because I'm fine. Being...undead isn't so bad. I was already a werewolf might as well make me a weird werewolf (who knew that was possible?!) I'm still the same me...just without a heartbeat. It's amazing. I don't sleep now...which is really weird. I just kinda zone in and out, it's amazing all the things you miss when you're asleep!

I really appreciate you guys supporting me through all this. Z has been awesome keeping you updated, honestly I don't know how they've put up with me. You guys rock.

Being so not's scary. It makes me realize that though my life has been short, I regret nothing. Everything is perfect. I have the coolest friends and my pack is my world. There's no need to worry about me anymore. I'm back and better than ever. I've really missed being able to post and talk to you guys. Danny is still a little over protective but I guess i can't really blame him.

How've you all been? Missed you tons!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Many many things

Hello again bloggerites. I apologize for my poor posting skills. It's a wonder that Tony still allows me to post. Speaking of Tony she's doing wonderful, almost perfectly back to health. She's walking...eating, talking, she's up for the same amount of time as everyone else. But...there's something about her that has scared us to the depths of our souls. She has no heart beat. NONE. It is absolutely silent. With no heartbeat there is no bloodflow so her skin is never warm and not really's room temperature. She can still change, which was amazing. She changed for the first time two weeks ago. It was amazing, seeing her in wolf form again. But...the heartbeat...there isn't one. She cut herself on a knife and the wound healed as fast as it would've before...but we think...we think Tony is actually a Zombie. The way we've heard descriptions of people coming back to life is precisely what tony went through. Apollo thinks she came through it faster because she is still a werewolf. It's amazing. I read both of the Generation Dead series by Daniel Waters. Tony's pretty much the same as before, no heart beat of course, and there's something in her eyes. They went from gray blue to this pale icy blue. We think she's the first zombie werewolf. We need advice. What do you guys think?