Thursday, September 17, 2009

More on Mr. Maxx

Hey everyone! This is Danny, I realized that Tony didn't exactly continue on about how Mr. Maxx is what he is. He's what is called a hybrid, a mixture of more than two types of something. He's human, werewolf, vampire AND, he has a little bit of forest elf on his mother's momther's side, he's part demon, and he's part fairy.

Now you're all probably like HOW THE FRICK DOES THAT HAPPEN?!

I'll explain. His grandmother on his mother's side was a forest elf and his grandfather on his mother's side was werewolf, his grandmother on his fathers side was a fairy. His father was changed into a vampire when he was 23, and his mother was already part werewolf and elf. AND the demon was blessed/cursed upon Mr. Maxx when he was a teenager, he was kind of like working for the demon version of the mafia. Then after four years they released him but they let him keep his demon "essence"

I know that's alot to take in, and it's sure as heck confusing. If you have questions let us know!


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