Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lily's BACK!

HEEYYYY everyone. Many of you are familiar with Lily's blog ( ANNNDDD you've probably noticed she's been MIA for...well...a SUPPPPPERRRR long time, right?! Well I (finally) got an email back from her (which I'd origianlly sent a long time ago) and it said she'd just been forgetting! So don't worry she's fine! And hopefully she'll be posting soon!

BTW: Sorry I haven't been on much either. With the start of school things get so hectic. And most of the blogs I follow and the bloggers that follow me are undoubtably teenagers, therefore are also super busy and you just lose track and forget to get on or whatever. But there's gotta be a free moment SOMEWHERE. try to get on and give us a heads up that you're still here and doing good!



  1. YAY! You and Lily are back!
    I was startin' to feel a little lonely on here :(
