Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm extatic! The next full moon is approaching quickly, MARCH 10!!! It's so close, i can feel it! The full moon is the time when the line between the after life and real world are the thinnest. Which is why werewolves have so much power during this time, which is why people believe we only change during this moon. NO. We just have more power, because there were more werewolves in the past, as werewolves have been with humans the blood dies out. There aren't as many as us as there used to be. But anyway, when the line is the thinnest the werewolves of old come back from the after life to be with the present day werewolves. We gather under the moon to talk with eachother, the werewolves of old share stories and tips of greater power. It will be wonderful. I can't wait. But on March 10 you if you are awake around midnight and you step outside i bet you will hear a chorus of wolves. And YOU alone will know they are the spectral wolves and the present day wolves, sealing their power on this, the grandest of nights. On halloween though...well that's a tale for another time.
-Tony/Werewolf Moon

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