Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Curious Case of the Hidden Mask

Hey everyone. I thought I'd post now since tonight is the O'Glorious full moon. The first - might I add - of the fall!!!! It's going to be wonderful, the last full moon was all cloudy and though it was lovely it was one of those cliche full moons. So I was on this one forum, I do like forums especially for books, and I was PMing this one girl, she was very kind and asking me intersting questions about my race. She told me that my vocabulary was rather extensive and I sound like I'm in college. I've noticed I do this when i talk to people I'm not very familiar with, it's a sort of shielf for me I guess. I told her that I live with a 500 year old wolf, and his vocabulary must've rubbed off on me or something.

So the reason I went into this story, and no it wasn't just to talk (or type, rather) it was to make a jump into the meaning of this post and it's to talk about...Masks. Everyone wears a mask,whether we know it or not, it's interesting to think about it. You might not notice it, but you act differently at school than you do at home, or around friends. It's all about masking part of yourself to please those around you. I do, you do it, we all do it.

But those of the unknown world (vamps, werewolves, zombies, etc) do it more. (lily this is for you) Zombies do it in attempt to please narrow minded asshole teachers or community members. Trying to show them that zombies (differently biotic) are as normal as any living human. I say that's not true. DB's, Zombies, Living impaired (WHATEVER!!!) are unique and amazing and should be damn proud of that. All the hidden races should be! We're beautiful, unique, and special. We've bent the laws of science, we are the greatest minority, yet we hide ourselves in fear of what stupid narrow minded humans will think.

I know this was a rather long message, but it needed to get out AND it'd been a while since I've posted.

Let's hear your thoughts and such. Any questions, ask!



  1. i do agree with that, i've noticed i wear a "mask" and act different around my mates than i do with my family

  2. Yeah, most people do. Many without even realizing they are doing it. Then when you get friends and family together you can't choose how to act.
