Monday, January 4, 2010


They attacked her! They attacked her, my girl, that freaking sick group attacked Tony! I think I might hurl I'm so angry. It was late last night, Tony got a call from her parents and she was walking to see them, they attacked her. She's out...not even responding to anything. she's hardley breathing and her pulse is barely audible.

I'm shaking so bad. I can't even sit still for long. I am so angry so disgusted-

Sorry everyone. I took over the computer, this is Z. Danny's having problems controlling himself right now, which is completely understandable. We're all sick. We are on the verge of tears, our powerful alphess now lay in the hands of Torr. It's horrible. You should see her, we found her...oh god it was terrible. She was stabbed over and over with a blade made purely of silver, we found the blade still in her chest. We didn't think silver hurt werewolves but now we're thinking if it touches an open wound it begins poisoning from the inside out. She's covered in bruises and scratches. It's disgusting. Lucian Axel is here, as is Apollo. And they called in the best healers that could be found. We are all trying our hardest.

We figured we'd tell you about this, so if you're a lycan, please be careful. I'm almost crying now, which is hard for me to admit, so I should be going. Danny is so angry and frustrated. Today he smashed a window in his room, and whenever he sits by her he cries. He's trying not to think that she may not make it. But we all know it's a possibility. And Benny, he's trying to be strong for the pack but the tears are in his eyes. We all have the same thing on our minds. But we're all fighting for her.

Send your thoughts to Danny. Any advice to help him through this would be great. Send your prayers to Tony. She needs as much hope as she can get right now.


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