Sunday, January 24, 2010

So much time so many posts

Hello everyone, It's Z. Again. My apologies for not being faster on posting, but reason is because things are getting crazy...again. Tony opened her eyes for the first time the middle of this week, then the next day and the next day for longer periods. She smiled today, and it was amazing to see her smile. She was awake for a whole hour. So she's coming out of it, she's rising up. Since Tony's doing better Danny still...isn't. He's the same as he was, constantly with her, getting zero sleep, irritable, crazy temper. **sigh**

Artemis, the elders...OH, you mean those Tony talked of in posts that seem ancient. The elders are the oldest and wisest of the werewolf nation. Among them are some of the most powerful ones that have the site to Torr. The group itself is old order, they enjoy keeping things the way they've been since forever ago. And they do a pretty good job at it.

The you mean the council of elders? Run by Lucian? Well...they are like...parlaiment or congress. They make rules and laws, they keep things peaceful between races. They have a big job. And it the many centuries we've been alive they've been the ones to keep things orderly. If you've read the Twilight series they are much like the Volturi. But not as brutal. Lucian I guess would be Aro...he might dislike me for saying so though.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that Tony's getting better.
    Tell Danny that I demand he gets some sleep! I know he's worried about Tony, but he isn't doing her any good by not sleeping!

    Thank you for keeping us updated Z
