Thursday, January 14, 2010

Simply Lost

Artemis I'm glad you are beginning to understand the world of Torr. I read your post, we all did actually, and we just wanted to tell you that no matter what your cousin said Paul (paul, right?) is your father. A father is not judged by whom you were...ermm...created, it's by the man that raised you and loved you and took care of you. Your father made you who you are today, never misconceive that.

Tony is doing no better, but also no worse which is deffinately a positive I suppose.

As for Torr: He does everything for the wolves, he chooses the ones that become werewolves and chooses how. Some werewolves...well...they see him, he comes to them in there most troubled times, when he is needed most, and he helps them. He gives them advice. But if a lycan has this power, they aren't supposed to tell ANYONE about it, unless it is a dire situation. We all believe that Tony has the Sight, but we can't be sure, and you never ask if one has this power because it is rude and the sight is a connection to our god.

As for other gods, different packs worship in different ways. Torr is the major one, of course, but there are others. Some packs worship the gods of rome or greece while others worship the same God as humans. It all depends on where your beliefs lay.


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