Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As things get worse and worse.

I'm sure you're all familiar with the deadly drop of the stock market, and the "Hard times" our economy has entered. If you aren't you are. I'm a HUGE animal rights activist, hell, i probably own more animals than all of you. Well, i have two horses and horses and riding are my life. On monday a story was released about a Mare (a female horse) and a filly (a baby female horse) who were found in an N.E. Ohioan river. The mare's neck was broken, and the filly was tied up with rope. After a review of the dead bodies there are no signs of neglect. Which means both horses were well taken care of. They also show signs that the filly was still alive when dropped over the bridge and into the river. I am disgusted, utterly, fully, completely disgusted. They probably drugged and killed the mare before dropping her in the river, the mare would've fought like hell, and she wasn't tied. They aren't sure whether her neck was snapped before the fall into the river, or when she fell. I don't really care. Someone, some asshole killed two amazing animals. I don't give a damn if we are in hard times, i don't give a fuck if the stock market fell. There are thousands of horse lovers and hundreds of shelters and rescues that would've taken those horses. But no, this mofo went and killed the horses and dropped them over a bridge into some damned river. What the hell?! Dick Godard personally donated $500 to the capture of whatever assholes did this. The Ohio Race track also donated money as well as hundreds of other private horse lovers and business owners. I've NEVER been more upset in my entire life. Whoever did this to those animals needs to be killed, tied and dropped over a bridge into freezing water to die. I personally hope they go straight to hell.


  1. actually he should be tied and thrown over and then drown in the rushing water hopefully dying a horrible painful death that will lead to eternity in hell

  2. You know...i couldn't agree with you more. I normally am not violent like that...but i agree completely.

    ``Werewolf MOON``

  3. i am not violent either but seriousely that is jsut sickening well i am not completely violent :)

  4. Well yeah...not all THAT violent but violence is helpful They still haven't been found. I doubt they will.
