Monday, August 31, 2009

Mr. Maxx and the great secret

Hey everyone, it's been about a week since I last posted, sorry. I've been so busy trying to figure out what Mr. Maxx is, it's KILLING ME! UGH. Okay, so I did some innocent question asking that was something like:
Me: "Mr. Maxx, I think werewolves are really cool, but I'd like to know more about them." Mr. Maxx gives me creepy I know you're lying look.
Him: "It seems as though, Valin, that you and the rest of your friends know a quite deal more about werewolves then you let the rest of the students to believe." Yes, my real name is Valin, not Tony. But his words were creepy, he actually grabbed my hand and turned it up so the inside of my wrist faced the ceiling, revealing my tattoo.
HIM: "Interesting you'd choose this as your tatoo, the moons, a powerful aid to werewolves. And why would your entire group get them, you aren't a, I'd say you were more of a...pack." Okay, completely freaked out by now! I yank my hand from him and let my wolf eyes come out and of course my fangs for emphasis.
Me: "You will stay the hell away from me and my friends. I don't know you and I sure as hell don't trust you. And if you ever touch me again you're are gonna regret the day you started harassing me." It came out as a snarl, I was pleased when he actually looked scared. And I left his room, I still go to his room everyday for class, he watches me and Danny like a hawk but atleast he stopped harrassing me.

If you have any more ideas on what he is or what I should do let us know!



  1. :O YES!!! I BET HE IS!!! :O orrrrr some kind of... werewolf hater. SUSPIIIIIICIOUS!

  2. GAH! me would have been fu! and me bets he is one. You make him nervous! hehehehehe watch your back wolfy

