Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blood and Chocolate.

Hey did any of you read Blood And Chocolate? I mostly ignore the books about werewolves because they prove false and poorly researched. But my friend was like "you have to read this, i know you love werewolves and this is SO good." so i did, and i was actually impressed. It was well written, many of the things they said in the story was true to real life. Which makes me want to think that the writer is or knows a werewolf. Hmm...I loved IT. it was awesome. Certain things may have been once true (Like the ordeal) have been removed from tradition. And the whole silver bullets thing...kinda true. If the silver touches a wound or something...it could injure us but not KILL us.

``werewolf moon``


  1. oh yeah, that was recently made into a movie, right? I wanted to read it... and now I do again!
    I finally got two of three books that I've been dying to read, so I'm very happy :D

  2. I am addding that to the list of books to read!


  3. is it really good??
    because i saw a movie with that title, but it looked kinda cheasy so i ignored it / wish i hadn't now if it's good?

  4. Hey Werewolf Moon,

    I had to shut down The Living Dead. Well I didn't HAVE to, but I did. I started a new and put pretty much the same first post on. Then, I will post the pretty much the same second one soon. Find it at

    Its called Lily Benan: Zombie Girl

    I hope you follow it. Its the last time I change it, I promise. Hope to see you there,

    ~Lily Benan: Zombie Girl

  5. Paris -
    Deffinately! It's a great book. A little 'mature' in some parts but not like porn star stuff. lol

  6. Sarah- Honestly i've never seen the movie. I try to veer away from stereotypical crap hollywood garbage that will do nothing other than anger me.

  7. Hey werewolf moon. You should really see the movie. One of my friends in college showed it to me and it was awesome. And ya I no what you meen about the hollywood crap.
