Monday, May 25, 2009

The Regional Meeting

Oy. Yes i sai oy. I don't know why, but it seemed appropriate. I'm tired, dead tired, as we always are after regional meetings. Danny loved it, it was nice for him to see how many of us were out there. I got to speak with the other leaders and they thought the idea of a moon house would be Awesome for EVERY city, of course, it was to be kept a secret to non-mythicals. It all went really well. I'll tell you a little bit about us, you see there is a werewolf "royal" family, they are basically the leaders of the entire werewolf population. Then there is a regional president, there are four regions, north, south, east and west. We are part of the the northern region. Let me know if you have questions, other wise, i'm going to take a long cat nap ( nap) lol.

``werewolf moon``


  1. Sounds like you guys had fun! ^^

    Where do the South, East, and West regions come from?

  2. Paris - it was very fun. And what do you mean where do they come from? As in what area of the U.S. do they come from?

    ``werewolf moon``
